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coming out

fairmindedYard6117 July 8th, 2023

Hi! i need hep comming out...

My name is camille and i'm new on 7cups!

I knew i like women for a really long time, even if i tried to forget it and convince myself it wasn't true, but i was never sure about if i like men. I'm not really sure about this even now, but i think i might be bi with a preference for women. My friends and my family, not my parents, are homophobic, so i don't really know how to come out to them and i would like advices on coming out to them. thank you in adavance!

Mel2248 July 8th, 2023

Hi Camille & welcome ๐Ÿ˜Š

maybe you can't pick a family, but you can definitely pick who do you come out to. Since your parents should be fine, I'd definitely consider them, but unless you interact with the rest of your family way too often, there is a question whether it makes sense. I can imagine a few reasons to do it anyway, just be aware of the option not to.

I'm sorry to hear that your friends are also homophobic, but that puts you into a difficult position whether you come out to them or not. I mean, if they wouldn't be able to accept & respect your feelings, are they good friends? Do you think they are being homophobic just because it's a prevalent stance of the society where you live?

Maybe they would change their opinions when they meet their queer friend... I cannot imagine myself to be comfortable around homophobic people, but if you could do that, there is also the option to not come out.

I don't think there is any specific advice for your case, just consider the options, risks, and, most importantly, stay safe ๐Ÿ˜Š

Good luck & wish you the best!

fairmindedYard6117 OP July 8th, 2023

@Mel2248 Thank you so much for your answer!

I thought about it and i'm changing school in two years so i think maybe i'll just tolerate my friends for one year and just not come out to them... My friends also are not always good friends, so staying in the closed with them is a better idea. I hope i'll get better friends to my new school haha!

And I'll see how i feel about my family knowing! I see them pretty often for my mom's side but i think i feel more scared than anything esle about coming out to them. on my dad's side, I don't think they are homophobic and my ant has a girlfriend so I think it is more safe to come out to them first and see how it goes.

Thank you for you advice & I wish you the best too!