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How do I confirm that I am bisexual

User Profile: ApurvaSingh123
ApurvaSingh123 January 30th, 2024

I am 49.999% sure that I am bi.

please help me!


I live in India and LGBT rights are nearly non existent because government removed the law which jails homosexuals 10 years ago but doesn't want to recognize anything else because it endangers Sanatani philosophy.  

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 February 1st, 2024


Giving this a bump for you for folks with experience to chime in.
I wish you the best on self-discovery journey here with us!

User Profile: Mel2248
Mel2248 February 4th, 2024

Hey Apurva,

actually I think your certainty is quite high! 😄

But to be maybe a bit helpful, let me just point out that "the categories" are not strict in any way, and you may feel more or less attracted to various genders or individuals. Moreover, it may feel a bit different among those too! And all of that is perfectly valid.

I suggest you trust your feelings, and when in doubt about labels, feel free to simply not use them (or use them as you wish)!

Sorry to hear that you live in an environment you find unwelcoming; hope you are able to surround yourself with good people.

Good luck with the self-discovery!


User Profile: generouscat0001
generouscat0001 February 14th, 2024

I think that since you are questioning that may be your answer...yes... I know there's varying definitions out there but I am bi. I have an attraction to females even though I'm in Het marriage. I've always been BI

User Profile: grapefruit619
grapefruit619 May 26th, 2024

Hi. I'm reaching out because the girl I like is also bi and from India and we often have issues communicating and understanding each other especially when it comes to sexuality. She has fully accepted that she can't be with a woman because of her culture and it doesn't seem to upset her. but it makes me sad. I'd love another perspective.

User Profile: placidSea8181
placidSea8181 June 4th, 2024

I have just recently started calling and considering myself as bi(14f). I think at least for me being bi is constantly second guessing yourself. Some days you have a crush on a guy and your like yea I’m definitely straight but some days your like omg I really like a girl. And honestly for me I couldn’t tell if I had crushes on girls but there would be some times where I would be hanging out with a friend who was a girl and I would just want to hug them, be near them, or like be around them all the time. I felt attracted to them but couldn’t tell if it was that attraction. For me as well being demiromantic I felt it was hard to weigh my feelings of like being romantically interested with friends (boys and girls but Mainly girls) or just feeling really strongly about them. I just feel so much more free knowing that I’m bi. I have only told one person and nobody I know would probably accept me except probably the first girl I ever had a crush on but knowing for myself is amazing. I can’t imagine what you’re going through because I at least have my sister (the one person I told) to talk through it with. But to not have anyone is hard. I didn’t have anyone for a while and it was awful. But I love you and I know you will figure it out. 
