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My chance to start fresh

User Profile: Theuglyduck
Theuglyduck March 22nd, 2022

Im out as a non-binary pansexual person however, My family avoids my they them pronouns and some don't even try to call me by the right name. This often means that when I meet new people and then they end up meeting my family they end up learning of my dead name and I feel like it's even harder especially with cis people to get them to view me as me and not what was assigned to me at birth.

I have a partner who lives clear across on the other side of the country. I visit them a lot we've been dating for 2 years and finally found an apartment over there that we can afford. So I'm moving there in 2 months. This gives me an opportunity for a fresh start. The connections and friends I make there won't ever hear of my dead name. They will only ever know me by the name I want them to know me by and the pronouns I want them to know me by. I am aware that people are still going to disrespect those things.

But at least they can't use my dead name as a tool to anger me.

User Profile: xiaoleli
xiaoleli March 23rd, 2022

Hi @Theuglyduck

I am really glad that you feel positive about your move and I’m sure that the brand new change is going to mean significantly in your life. I hope for the best luck in your new neighborhood and that you are able to maintain any kind of lifestyle that you desire With your partner. I can see how having people constantly reminding you of something in the past that you no longer identify with is super frustrating. I hope that you can make everything clear in your new environment but however I do think it would be better to keep trying to remind your family how much their actions pains you. It is such a sad thing to have people in your life unable to understand you and wish that one day gets resolved with time. At the same time that you are blooming and getting ready for a fresh start, I might suggest that you try not to give up on the people back home.