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How can my parents support me?

tallCircle1126 January 10th, 2021

I talked to my parents about the amount of shame I feel about being queer, and that I don't like talking to them about it because it makes me anxious. Thankfully I have very supportive parents and they only asked me what they can do to help.

The thing is I don't know how they can help me. I am the one who is uncomfortable talking about myself, so I am not sure how to overcome that. Any ideas?

InquireWithin January 10th, 2021


I am so glad they are supportive and are asking how they can help! That's important. I remember my first coming out to mine, and subsequent conversations which were awkward, but gradually (very gradually) became easier. I don't like talking about myself very much, either. Despite their willingness to be supportive, it can be intimtidating to be on the spot. That creates its own kind of pressure!

One idea for how they can help is to consider telling them you aren't sure (it's okay to not be sure!) how they can help, but you appreciate that they are willing, and you will let them know when ideas come to you. And ideas and insights will come to you, I promise! Coming out is a process. We are always coming out in a world that expects us or assumes us to be straight/heterosexual, and for trans folks, the expectation to be "one gender or the other."

My very best wishes in your coming our journey.