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Nemo2023 March 11th, 2023

My family made me break up with my girlfriend :( And know I want to go away and never come back

sunnyWriting4806 March 11th, 2023


That must be incredibly difficult to handle and deal with, so sorry to hear. I hope everything will work out well in the end.

Aayla March 12th, 2023

@Nemo2023 I'm so sorry about this. Family should be a place of unconditionate love and acceptance, you don't deserve any of their intolerance. What you deserve is freedom to live your life any way you want to and express who you truly are without judgement.

Your desire to leave is absolutely valid, such an intolerant family can only hurt you more. They don't deserve your loyalty. It's ok to start planning a life away from them where you can be free. I don't know if you can do that right now or if you still rely a lot on them in economic terms, but it's ok to start making plans and gathering resources as soon as you can. Make sure to be safe.

I wish you all the best!

memyselfandmoth March 17th, 2023

@Nemo2023 I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending you lots of love and echoing what Aayla said. I know it hurts so bad right now but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there. <3

thoughtfulWater1836 May 3rd, 2023

I don't get it why family can't accept you for who you are. I sincerely hope that there will come a time when you don't need to feel bad for loving and the people around you can love who you love as well.