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Dealing with past conservative past connections gracefully

User Profile: IsaSilver
IsaSilver June 13th, 2022

I am trans, and I happen to be talking about it with one of my past connection today since I am visiting for the weekend (I moved away from that town since). I came out to her quite some time ago, and she seems pretty accepting, and never questioned me about things, despite her saying that she felt unable to comprehend that. Given that, I thought perhaps she's okay with LGBTQ stuff but when we discussed about conservative people today, we had an argument about the baker case about the wedding cake and a gay couple... She was supportive of it being legal, where I wasn't. And when I asked, if you support the baker's case about a cake, where does the line end? Does it mean that all public services can be denied on that basis? And she said yes, which was like, so foreign to me. I cannot comprehend why she thinks that's acceptable, while being kind to me at the same time. Am I jist being tolerated without me knowing? I suddenly have second thoughts about why she seemed friendly to me despite me having come out to her. It felt like, pity… I don't know, but I felt really hesitant about her as a friend now… Am I being overly sensitive?

User Profile: Mdreaming101
Mdreaming101 June 16th, 2022


I think being oversensitive isn’t the question. It is the question prior, if she is or should you stay friend with her. I think yes. Why? Her opinion is her opinion. Did she use her opinion to hate you? She didn’t. She may not believe in your ideology or concepts or beliefs but she didn’t have to. Why would she? She is her own person. You shouldn’t be forcing your belief on her neither is she on you. Despite you coming out to her, she didn’t hate you and din’t use it to terminate your friendship or treat you unfairly. Why would you do it to her?

Sometimes you need friends who can be toes to toes debating a topic. Friends who support u in everything, like everything - they are questionable. Friends are supposed to sometimes knock some sense into you or even be the devil advocate, asking you to really question deeper. They are not supposed to have all the same opinions, beliefs, and so and so.

I am saying you should judge a person by their character and how they treat you over their opinions, beliefs and ideology.