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conversion therapy ruined my life

valleyrabbit123 December 4th, 2022

Hi folx,

I am here because I think I am finally coming to terms with years of conversion therapy to change sexual orientation. I mean, I accepted my orientation and gender identity awhile back, but I am just now standing up for myself internally that what happened to me was very wrong and that it is okay for me to tell people what I want and need. And that is good, but I find that I have alot of anger and pain and I think it is seeping into my friendships. I can't stand for anyone to tell me what to do. I think it is because it took me so long to feel an internal sense of validation and that I can listen to my own voice and sense of what is right. Even with everyday matters, I feel irritation that other people feel that it is okay to give unsolicited advice. I am good with feedback, support and welcome other people thoughts.....when I ask for that. But now I feel like one of my closest relationships is crumbling bc I told them I would like for them to please ask first before giving advice. They have not received that well and things are very tense. I could really use some support. I am not sure how to handle the situation well and I also don't know what to do with all of the only partially healed pain from conversion therapy.

LonleyCheese December 11th, 2022

That really sucks, and no one should ever have to do that. It's also really unfortunate that your close person isn't understanding of your boundaries. Hopefully in time you can heal, get the support you need, and you and your person can work out your relatonship to something that's less tense. Good luck, stay safe out there! <3