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What even am i

Val8383 Friday

Hi group! I'm new to therapy and trying so hard to figure things out. Whenever I get the question asked about sexual orientation I never know how to answer it. I am still hiding in the closet mtf. The though of intimacy with another male is not appealing to me. However if I were to have the female body I have always wanted, then I find the thought of being with a male totally erratic. Am I gay? Being with a male when you're a girl makes you straight though, right? Just confused and trying so hard to find myself. 

Aayla Friday
@Val8383 questioning your sexuality is complicated enough already, but it can be even harder for some trans people as their complex feelings towards their body make things more confusing. In general terms, if you identify as a woman and you are attracted to men exclusively you are straight, no matter if you're a cis or trans woman. Same goes for being lesbian if you're attracted exclusively to women. Your sexuality is based on how you perceive yourself rather than the shape of your body, even if you haven't transitioned yet.

If it's hard for you to process your feelings towards men, remember you don't have to find an answer now but you can uncover it with time, as your relationship to your own body and other people changes. For now, you can try to fantasize about different scenarios to see how they feel to you. You can always change the way you label yourself if you will eventually find that your feelings have shifted with time.