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🌈 Share Your Coming Out Story & Offer Support! 🌈

CheeryMango June 10th

Hey everyone!

Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our journeys, and support one another. One of the most personal and powerful experiences for many in the LGBTQ+ community is the act of coming out. Whether you’ve already come out, are considering it, or are just here to support others, this is a safe space for you to share your story and offer encouragement.

How to Participate:

  1. Share Your Story: If you’re comfortable, share your coming out story with us. How did you come out? What was the experience like for you? How did it impact your life?
  2. Offer Support: For those who have already come out, please offer advice, support, and encouragement to others who might be considering taking this step.
  3. Ask for Advice: If you’re thinking about coming out and have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to ask here. We’re all here to help each other.

Note: Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s experiences. We are here to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.




Just keep going.

I just want to say the struggle/suffering is real and "coming out" isn't a requirement.

Also when it comes to life and how one lives it, one's identity is ultimately no one else's business.

Furthermore, there's more to your identity then pride...there's also love, respect, understanding, boundaries, self care, balance, etc.. This can be forgotten and buried under marketing/media.

In conclusion, who you are is so much more than your gender identity. You're a living breathing sacred being of limitless possibility. This is scary. But bravery, evolution and ingenuity is woven through blood and bone.

RUMBUM June 11th

@CheeryMango I just was watching a movie that had Zendaya in it (I forgot what movie) and I said she was hot and my mom said “Your gay?” And I said I was bi actually and that was the whole conversation. Everyone else just assumed until I said I had a crush on a girl in my class.

CamilaHufflepuff June 12th

Hello! My name is Camila and my coming out story is not very typical. I say this because of the way I realized I was lesbian.

At early high school, my friends and I enjoyed watching anime. They recommended me to watch yaoi anime (Japanese animated romantic series in which the characters are gay man). When I tried it, I didn't like it at all. Nevertheless, some unknown thing inside me said, "there should be the same thing but with gay women". Indeed, I began watching yuri (lesbian) anime and only then I realized that I was gay. But so, so gay. That suddenly explained why every classmate around me was talking about their crush and I wasn't, then I realized I liked my best friend (which is actually quite typical).

Anyways, fast forward some months and I told my mom. At first, she didn't like it at all, but later on she became more accepting. Fast forward some years and I changed school, where I finally met some lgbtq friends, who are still my best friends (I am 21 right now). As someone who "looks heterosexual" (whatever that even means), I have had to come out so many times, but I can promise you it gets easier and easier. The only person I struggled with greatly was with my mother, but now I feel much freer.

In fact, even if I have to keep reminding myself not to be ashamed once in a while, this coming out thing has become normalized in my life. It was a big step for me to start wearing a rainbow brazalete, for example, but now I barely think about it. Small things like that helped me affirm my sexuality first to myself, then to others. Now coming out to new people doesn't really feel like coming out, it feels like I am just stating another fact about me, just like saying what my nationality is, or how old I am. It feels less and less important, but I mean it in a good way. I like to think that those that love me will do it anyways, and those that don't will not do it anyways. If someone changes their mind about me because of my sexuality, that says more about them than about me.

I wish you a loving and accepting coming out story, but even if that doesn't happen, know that the most important thing is to give to yourself that love and acceptance.

TheTypingBeast September 15th

@CamilaHufflepuff bro people legit saying you look straight? like lmao

RUMBUM June 13th

@CheeryMango I’m adding another story because I just came out as trans to 4 more of my friends!!!! I’m so scared and it just happened randomly at lunch when they asked me my pronouns and my other friend who knew told me to tell them and after she convinced me I fully came out as a trans man. I kinda regretted it at first because me being openly gay is not fun but I felt happier and like a weight came off of my chest and everything seemed a slightly bit better. I’m so happy! HAPPY PRIDE YALL🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️!!!!

TheTypingBeast September 15th


Onyx000 September 19th

I came out after watching  movie and with my mom and being asked i cried told her