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It ain't easy

Silvashadow Friday

I really don't know how to start I guess I've always felt I should have been born a female even when I was younger one of my fondes memories was me getting caught by me Dad trying on female clothes and you can probably guess it didn't go over so well so I fled the state and moved away you see I was able to officially start my transition a years ago but alas I'm missing one little thing the bottom surgery right now I'm in a situation where I can't even get the proper care because I don't drive it I don't have a vehicle of my own to get to and from my appointments and on top of that my pore excuse of a social worker ridiculed me and instead of helping me she said that I told you I can't do anything I personally understand why in this country getting the right health care has to cost like just trying to stay alive for people is a luxury that a lot of people can't afford and live long and healthy and flourishing life's I really hope that I can just take care of what I need to take care of but I know that people who are associated with the LGBTQ+ community we all have a target on our backs and the thought really does scare me know that for they say to pray the gay away and transgender is just a fase well we are all human on our own journeys for better of for worst and I really hope that what ever happens we will be able to live peacefully with each other we need to set our differences aside and find our common ground and just try to peacefuly get along

Val8383 Saturday

@Silvashadow I know what you mean. I also feel like I should have been female but did not have the bravery to come out and pursue it. So here I am much older now. The dysphoria definitely does not go away. It only gets worse. Kudos to you for pursuing it. You are braver than I am. Hang in there. You will achieve your goal. 


Aayla Saturday
@Silvashadow I'm so sorry about this, I hope you can eventually find a way to get your surgery and to live the life you've always wanted. You were very brave to start your transition and embark a journey that, as you said, forces you to endure all this discrimination. The social perception of LGBT people is being affected by a certain type of propaganda that goes against our life and freedom. The best thing we can do is to stick together and support each other. I hope you're able to reach out to the trans community where you leave, if you haven't already maybe you can check whether there are any LGBT associations or support groups near you, it's really helpful to learn from each other's experiences and feel genuinely understood. 
Try to express yourself as freely as you can when you feel safe enough to do it, you deserve to be who you are without getting the lack of bottom surgery affect the way you feel about yourself. Sure, it's something you miss and you'll find your way to get it with time, but meanwhile I hope you can stay strong and not let any of this get you down or feel like your identity is less valid.
Silvashadow OP 3 days ago

Thank ya both for the kind words and advice I just can't help that people who look at my breast and then stare below the waist line and get very discussed I really with I could just hide my bits and just not try to let others opinion really get to me and matter but it's gotten to the point I just hide away in my bedroom to avoid being ridiculed and mocked to the point i may do something I may regret and yes if you ask I am safe but I'm just extremely sensitive and I don't know what I can do to help my self if anything I live in my own little bubble and just try to shut my self out from the outside world and when I do go out it's to a place to where I know that I won't be bothered or disturb but In the end I don't know how to do it and conquer my over sensitivity that's just the price I pay for me being born