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Plushminion Friday

I went on 2 dates with this girl I thought I had an instant connection with. Our humour and energy matched so well and I really loved our first date. The second date was somewhat less romantic but we still spent quite some time together and we chatted after and talked about meeting up again. Then she went away for 2 weeks for a trip and I haven't heard from her since. I sent her a message and I was vulnerable sharing my feelings but she left me on read and hasn't responded since. I'm telling myself that she's probably busy but if I'm being honest, no matter how busy she is, a "sorry I won't be available for the next 2 weeks" text isn't that much effort to send. And if she didn't want to see me again I would rather she tell me then leave me guessing. I would tolerate honesty over ghosting much better. I feel angry and abandoned. The moment I'm communicating my feelings she disappears. Ugh.



being ghosted for whatever reasons is really not a nice feeling :( feeling angry and abandoned specially after you shared your feelings and were vulnerable with her is so valid friend, I'd feel the same <3 

mhmm sadly not much to do in these situations other than wait  ;( it's awful being the one waiting, the anxiety that comes with it is so overwhelming ... maybe you can leave like another message just asking her if she's ok and letting her know that you see she has read your messages and you feel hurt by being left on read after sharing about your feelings and would just appreciate if she can update you sooner about what's really happening? 

hope you hear something from her or at least get some more clarity on this <3 here for you if you need to talk about anything!

Plushminion OP Friday

Thank you for your compassion <3 I've been marinating over this for some time but the anger has just been building up lol. I might send her another message over the weekend if I don't hear from her.



no thanks necessary 🤗

I've been there 😭 being ghosted and being waiting for hours and days for someone ... specially someone we share feelings for... to respond is the worst feeling 😭 

like hey what do i do with all this time you leave my brain to do some more overthinking?!!🙂😐 xD xD 

doesn't help at all ... @_@ i just try to keep busy and not let mind wander off too much... hard but eh..what else to do? 🧸

yes sounds good to send another text over the weekend <3