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Coming out

Plushminion May 16th

So, I came out to one of my best friends today. This is huge. I've been trying to tell her for months but I had to come to a place with my internalised homophobia where I did not feel an overwhelming amount of shame any time I tried to get the words out. But today I finally did it. Anyways, the full story is that a while ago I realised I have romantic feelings for her so I knew I had to talk to her at some point. And today I told her half of my truth which is that I'm into girls.

And guess what, she replied to me saying she is actually bisexual. So my brain is incredibly overwhelmed right now. I've been trying to stop feeling my feelings for her because I didn't know her sexuality but now I feel like I cannot even tell my feelings any good reason to stop loving her. Over the years I have developed such a profound love for her that I don't think they will ever go away. I think she is my first real love. It hurts. It hurts because she said even though she realised she has feelings for girls, she does not intend to act on them because she feels safer with men. I am crushed. Part of me is hoping she will come around at some point. I think a part of my heart will always belong to her and that part will keep hoping for their feelings to be reciprocated one day. I'm still hoping I can prove her that she can embrace her feelings. Maybe I will tell her my entire truth at some point. My feelings for her feel desperate to come out now that they realised they have not been completely fooled. I really thought I was going crazy for having these "prohibited" feelings for her thinking she was not into girls. And now that she shared her truth with me I feel relieved that my intuition was right. But it still hurts deeply that this will probably lead to nowhere. Maybe one day she'll come around?

bestKite8488 May 21st

@Plushminion  What an interesting situation.  You are half way there because she has told you she is bisexual.  Now the bad news - she is not out of the closet yet, which means she can't fully accept her feelings and act on them.  This is like telling someone they have to lose weight - you can't - you have to wait until THEY decide to lose weight.  She may or may not come out of the closet at some time in the future.  When she does, you may not still be in the picture.  You may have moved on.  And she may someday think of you and regret not acting on it, or maybe she never will.  These are the problems that lesbians have.  It is a real learning experience.  You can discuss it with me more if you would like to.  Good luck!  

Plushminion OP May 24th

Thank you for your words Kite, I really appreciate the support! It's been hard this week, I've been feeling really anxious as I thought about confessing my feelings to her. I realised that I need to tell her how I feel because I've been slowly distancing myself from her to protect my feelings. But she and I are really close and I don't want to ruin the friendship by suddenly creating this gap between us when we were always super close. I think I'll talk to her pretty soon because I get panic attacks when I think about the whole situation. :/