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Changing orientation

Suen00 November 14th, 2023

How many times in a lifetime can one change their sexual orientation? This is puzzling me...

EmotionsListener November 17th, 2023


Some people find their orientation more fluid than others will. Also the attraction people experience can be very narrowly experienced, for others it is more broadly experienced.

I find for many the change however is more in how they understand their experience of attraction and discover ways to label that understanding. 

So have you been finding your orientation changing? In what ways? How do you feel about those changes?

Suen00 OP November 18th, 2023

I feel like gender doesn't really matter anymore but type of person and their kindness. I feel confused and uncapable of puting labels nor even words....

EmotionsListener November 20th, 2023


While labels are certainly not necessary, sometimes we can find comfort in having them if only because it helps to validate what we are experiencing and know we aren't alone in that experience.

Are you familiar with the term "pansexuality"? If not, pansexuality is considered the romantic, emotional, and/or sexual attraction to people regardless of their gender. Perhaps that will resonate for you, though it's quite alright if it doesn't as well. Ultimately only you can define your own labels, and it can be confusing when our experience is different from the one we are taught to expect.

So do you want a label? What do you feel that would do for you?