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Bisexual ? Am I making it up?

nicePeach8854 July 16th

So... I am a cis female and I know I'm physically attracted to men. Although I haven't had many crushes on men in real life haha. I was very obsessed with my female friend in Secondary School and looking back I think I really loved her. I would love to imagine us hugging and stuff and when we stopped talking as much I acted like I had been through a heartbreak. I also now have a crush on another female friend... But I don't know if my body physically reacts to women. So I'm not sure if I am making it up and I only like these people as friends. I am talking with no experience with men or women so I don't know. But I love consuming LGBTQ media and maybe I subconsiously want to fit in and I'm making up liking women. But also if I tell myself I am straight I feel so down, and when I let myself call myself bisexual in my head it feels good. I just am hoping I'm not making it up... Anyone else feel this way?

Aayla July 19th

@nicePeach8854 your sexuality is simply what you feel you are, what you feel describes you best. So if it feels right when you define yourself as bisexual, that's who you are!

Of course you're free to explore your fantasies further to see if you also react to women in a more phyisical and not just romantic way, but sexual attraction can be very complex and it feels different for different people. Your way of experiencing attraction is unique and belongs to you alone.

As for "making it up", well, if straight people never ask themselves if the environment (people, media...) around them has influenced their sexual identity, why should we? 😉 We are who we are!