I don’t now If I bi or lesbian
Hi! I’m so confused. I’m sure that I like girls, but I don’t know If I like boys too. I think I can fall in love with a woman, but no with a man. I have had bad experiencies with men like sexual abuse, maybe I have a trauma with men.
Attraction to opposite gender is usually common.
The reason of u feeling being a lesbian is ur hate for men because of the abuse u have gone through.
@Imh999 That's quite a rushed judgement, though. Attraction to opposite gender is common but not universal, and she said she's sure she likes women, while her feelings for men may or not be affected by her trauma. Rushed judgements like this are not helpful.
@amusingHickory1991 it's ok to feel confused, especially because trauma always makes things more confusing. You don't necessarily have to find a label for yourself, you can just live your life and do what your heart tells you, and only later decide how to label yourself (or if you want to label yourself at all).
However, it's also ok if you want to give a name to what you feel. I usually say that our orientation is nothing more than what we feel, so if you feel attraction towards women and not men, whatever the reasons, you should be free to describe yourself as lesbian. If later on you'll find out that a part of you is also attracted to men, you can change your label to bisexual. But there's no reason you shouldn't feel free to define yourself as lesbian if that's what best describes what you feel right now.