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Am I selfish?

User Profile: 0wen
0wen January 20th, 2022

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I don't know if anywhere else.

My stepmom is working on a court case to get me placed with her. I know it's really hard work but when I'm placed with her the only person who could take us in is a Johovahs Witness. I can't transition while I'm living there or she would kick us out. I want to transition.

I don't want to get my family kicked out so I'm thinking about asking if I can stay in a shelter while I transition, but I feel like I'm being selfish and am putting my wants over my family. I'm not trying to hurt them but I don't want to continue being misgendered and dead named and I want to try to get on T.

Is that selfish?

User Profile: KatePersephone
KatePersephone January 24th, 2022

@0wen i think putting yourself first (especially when it comes to such an important thing like transitioning), is not a selfish move at all! you deserve to be happy with yourself and be comfortable at all times. sending love to you <3 :)

1 reply
User Profile: 0wen
0wen OP January 24th, 2022

Thank you so much for your reply. I talked to my mom about it and we decided I should start by getting on some hormone blockers while we live with that person mentioned in my previous post.

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