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Advice on being an “invisible” girl

strongdomino July 23rd, 2022

Hi! I’m Ashley, 30 year old cis male who is…gender fluid?

All I know is there are times I am a man and times I want to be a woman!

So how do I be a girl? Especially when I need to continue passing as a man or switch to a man instantly.

Underwear is easy, no one will see that. But what kind of bra should I get?

What else can I do?


-your girl, Ashley

EmotionsListener July 27th, 2022


Hello Ashley,

As you say genderfluid may be a term that works, but I try not to worry too much about labels, they are there to help simplify describing ourselves, they aren't definitions we have to fit ourselves into!

As to "how to be a girl", there isn't really any advice I can give, because there aren't specific instructions on what that means. You may want to ask yourself what "being a girl" means for you and then work to be that. It's okay to take time and explore who you are. For example gender identity and gender expression are two very different things, and they don't always match up perfectly. Gender identity is your internal sense of yourself and your gender. Whereas gender expression is about what others see; our behaviors, mannerisms, interests and appearance, and is typically more based in gender stereotypes.

As for bra selection, that is often a matter of personal comfort and preference, there are a lot of options to choose from.

I hope you will find what feels right for you!