Either as a queer or ally, you need to remember that
+ You are never too young or too old ~ to know or to come out, today is just the right day to be you
+ You belong!
You do not need to fit anyone else’s definition of a label; who you are, just the way you are is accepted, and you “do” belong in this community! Door keeping behavior in lgbtq+ community is not acceptable
+you have time!
There is no deadline in which you need to have things figured out and get thru questioning
No deadline in which you need to accept your identity or learn to best cope with dysphonia
No deadline in which you need to come out
It’s okay to be confused
It’s okay, slow down; take it on your own pace
+you have every right to wear it!
You have every right to wear what you want and feel comfortable with
Regardless of your biological sex or even gender identity
You might need to wait if doing so might put you into danger or out you when you are not ready but don’t forget that it is okay
+your pronouns and your preferred name are only to be decided for by you
You have every right to correct people whenever needed and to demand being referred to in the way that fits you best
+transition operations, hormone blockers, binding and etc. are a choice only for you to make
if you do not have access to these, you may need to wait, just remember
you have every right to choose doing either of these, both as a non-binary or transgender person
you are transgender/ non-binary enough, “you” enough, without doing any of these too, there is no pressure to go thru anything you don’t want, you don’t feel comfy with or ready for
+it’s not only you
Believe me, I’m talking out of personal experience, every time I thought I was the only one feeling/thinking the way I do, that I don’t make sense, that something is wrong with me, my life, my luck and so on, I discovered that it’s not true, hundreds of thousands out there, get you, feel you
+if you want to come out remember the famous quote
The ones who matter won’t mind and the ones who mind don’t matter
+you are not a reflection of what others say or do
Others’ actions and reactions does not and cannot define you
+labels are not redlines
Labels are to help you with a sense of belonging, help you find peers and people who understand, to be a tool in explaining to others and making them get you and to help you with self-acceptance and processing your feelings, they are not supposed to be pressuring red lines to fit into
You do not need to label yourself if you don’t feel comfy with a term
+ sexuality “can” change!
If you feel a term you chose doesn’t define you best anymore, don’t panic, it does not mean you were faking it or anything is wrong with you
It might be that you haven’t found the better term that explains you best at that time and you are learning more and finding better matching terms now
It might be that you haven’t processed your feeling fully and are understanding yourself better now
OR it might be that your feelings and sexuality has changed, sexuality is fluid, in time it can change most of the parts of a humans identity and character do in time
+ You make sense!
You in the bigger picture of your life make sense! You have always made the best decisions you knew to make given your emotional state, how your mind worked, how the world around you affected you and what the exact situation you were in was! You have made it thru hundred percent of your bad days ‘til now
lgbtq+ community taglist: (click here to add/remove yourself)
@2019DOGS @3m1lywh3at0n @4Butterflies2Dragonflies @A2021203 @abpio @ace2929 @adorableSky52 @affectionateHuman529 @AHMED1998 @Aimee198 @AlexXxBlake @Alienoid @ambitiousNorth1459 @AMusicalSilence @AnastasiaSmith @anewdaydawning @angelbunnybby @anna5485 @Antthony101 @archerzvy @Arihaanth @Arnav012568 @Arsonbaby @Arthilio27 @athf4ever @Aubrey2018 @awalkintheforest @AzureWinter @badoinkitydoop @BaileeIsDaBomb @Batman64546 @Bendall6456 @bigirl06 @Blake790 @blithesoul64 @blueAcai8991 @blueCamp8059 @Bob1144 @bobby15 @BookyCapri @boomboom1bakubro @bpanon0510 @bpate00 @brendenjensen @brendenjnsn @BrooklynM @BubbleTea15 @celestialnova @centremid @chaoticneutraldreamer @Charcoaldust @Charlielloyd11 @Charmingplum4444 @charpercharlie @chronosrose @CindyIsNotOkay @CivilJay @Cloverrz @cocoafp191 @colorfulHeart78 @comfortingAngel @compassion4you14 @compassionateThinker6493 @considerateHeart21 @CoolRainboom @creativeLand811 @creativePenguin5165 @crimsonVillage5753 @Crismerlyn @cUsTaRdGiRl @cyanOrange9429 @dagaz13th @Daisymayes @DanceDanceMCRFOB @dapperThunderstorm17 @Davide @Dazzaboi @Deathdream13 @DebbieSapiosexual @DecayingPuppet @decisiveScarf8956 @Deerpark49 @DevinJG @Dinosaur @DinoSour @Dogbone17 @DrowningWords @DylanletterR @easywest5007 @ElixirLove887 @Elliot8Waugh @ElliotAnxiety27 @elxirr @EmiLou05 @EnbyFreind @FaboulousUnicornPotateo @fairmindedLychee7474 @fairmindedMap8489 @FantasyChapters @Fardec46 @Feirylesbian @FentonDnD @Flowerinthewind @forcefulStrawberries7963 @ForestFern12 @FranklyMaple @Frankpenny3679 @Gagaintheroom @galactictroubles @GayLisaSimpson @GeriatricWeasels @GlitteringNights @Gloomybubble @goldenbeach22 @GoldenDog9992 @Gr33nIvy @Grace8402 @Gracie815 @greatfulRainfall46 @GwennyGwenya @HadesAzander @HawkM @hazelhorizons @helpfulSummer9270 @Heybecca96 @heyitsalli @HeyItsMish @hippylonglegs @HisokaChan @honest13 @honeybarkin @Hyacinth22 @Hydrangea03 @i @IcarusFlew @Icean @Idk @Idk1405 @imaginativeSouth302 @ImpartialBirch1435 @impartialOwl3393 @imrose123 @IndecisiveClementine186 @InfinityPhoenix2001 @inolasnasadnarim @IntergalacticRaven @intuitivePond9315 @inventiveWalker6918 @iraismyname @ItsJustLauren @ItsReganingRain @itssoren @ivoryCircle1219 @IvyL @Ivywater @jammiedodgerrr @Jane27 @JaytheNinja @jazzyrainbow15 @Jisola @jKempy @jkwon @johnny77 @Josefina93 @Julianna2 @KalleeSmith @kasperkat @KateDoskocilova @Kay63 @kinchaxel @kindowl400 @KingdomKey1314 @KinkyTheSilentWitch @Kirahhhh @Kiraiki @Kittycatra13 @Kou @LadyDair @laicrose @LanaSwift89 @Lasagna1 @lavenderTree2843 @Lazmaxwell @Lazypotato786 @lemongrasstea07 @LeoSun4 @LeoTheLittleLoinCub @LexIris @lightMoon8193 @Lmarie1217 @LocaBella @Lol883 @lovewillspread @loyalBirch3538 @loyalThinker4958 @Luluintheroom @lunareyes37 @Lupinpollo @Luriner @lyricalAngel70 @MAB23 @Mae @MakisLp @mari123sg @MedicatedSappho @MedicinalMelody @meltheowl @Michael2027 @migelato30 @miraculousheart9815 @MisterPrincess316 @MomoDeMomo @Moodyson @Mooingcow1234 @mortalixty @MrJacob @MSFrost @musicgeek14 @MysterySpirit @NaeNae1517 @Naila2 @Nathalie00912 @navySea134 @Necas209 @NeonBlueButterfly @neonFarm9776 @neonxlilac @Nermie @NicoAce @nikkinik @nikolaiShadow @NotFrostButAPoet @Notfrostbutpoet @NotKhan @optimisticAJ13 @ouwillbefound @owo123 @oyster7potato @PaganWarrior @Parvlakin @passionateApple7952 @PeaceLoveandPaws @peasantisactuallygod1617 @persistentCircle1437 @Phillyriver @PhoenixAsh @PhoenixPatronus @Pinnae @pipandlivmania @pluckySouth5223 @PointlessExistence4982 @practicalIdeal2007 @Prettydays124 @PuffPride7 @Pumpkinpi @Purplebike7965 @Purpleflowerbud @purplesnail @quinton107 @Rainbovv @Randall72 @Randie @raymaniii @rbfkun @RedApples667 @reliablePond8050 @renstilice @reservedPark5193 @robyn420 @Rosary @royalRainbow1408 @rquote @Ryth @Sadlonely90 @samantha5wales @Sanskruti29 @sapphicchloe @Saskianite @SassyVagrant @ScreenName34 @selfdisciplinedKitten6648 @SereneBreeze123 @shadow8817 @shadowling13 @Shaeeeee @Shorday15 @Skyash @SlipperySlope0 @slytherinluvbot @Smolbean23 @Snapesnapeseverussnape @Sociablesky577 @sofiai9 @softRainbow9008 @Soleena @solidago @solsearchin @Sombrius @Someonelost @Someonlost @SparkyGizmo @spectacularEnergy60 @spiritwolf75 @spooderfaxy1987 @stardust42 @stargazer45116 @Sthesia @stuckintime92 @Summerlove18976 @sunflowerrs @SunnySideTrinket @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @TaylorAlise @taylorjensen @Tealperson @The0Vetoed0System @TheAutumnWitch @theindigojournal @TheoRae8289 @TheQueerCollective @tinycactus809 @tranquilForever68 @TroubledWithLife @Trying15 @turquoiseLand8120 @turtle5678 @uzumaki6 @vgranieri @vibiebb @vikingwolf802 @wamayay07 @wannatalkaboutit @warmheartedCity8277 @WhoIAM2you @willpowered17 @WonderfulHart1330 @wonderfulMango5023 @worldwidejinn @Xaixu @xDarkNigxtmare0981x @XwonderlandgirlX @xxharleyxx @Yavmarcus @YellowCanary11 @yournewfriend13 @zenona5 @ZhaviaMachete
Lovely, reassuring, cathartic and validating to read! Thank you, and Happy Pride Month!
i'm glad it had a positive vibe reading it for you *~*
*hugs* happy pride month to you too
haven't had the chance to hear from you in a while, how are you doing??
*Returns hug* <3
At the moment, I'm doing great! (^w^) Yesterday, I had a really splendid hangout with my boyfriend and two of my closest friends. We ate ice cream and boba together. Then today, I found out that I qualify for some benefits that I had applied for!
How have you been?
beautifully said my friend! big *hugs*
happy pride month! *hugs*
Happy pride month my friend! We can say it loud and say it proud! *high fives* Thank you for all of the work you do on this site, to help others to feel proud! It's very valuable what you do! *bows in front of greatness* big *hugs*
@Listeningsarinn aw goodness, this needs to be seen by many many more people!! Great job , Sarinnn, you make me very proud ❤
Loved it , thankyou for all these reminders !!
Happy Pride ❤🌈❤
Hello, Magical Mouse with a huge one question here!
I feel weird, i've had love partners of both sexes and... it was good? i guess?
non sexual affection is the key to my broken heart!
Intimacy is so cute and trust nurturing, but the genital act stresses me out a lot!
When cuddling, caressing or being intimate I bond.
When genital act, you're examined and under minimal scrutiny, stamina, empathy, psychic powers to guess what's offensive and whats not, moan when you're touched certain way and BOOM your gay! You're under a lot of stress and don't get an erection, BOOM you don't love them!
ohmygosh what im i? i told everyone that im BI because its easier to understand but i don't know if its a lie!
i do really don't like "sexy" stuff, its like intimidation, even some pick up techniques are like intimidation, and they work, and i don't like it!
Im an age regressor, who mainly looks for non sexual affection but performs sex as to fill the requirement for intimacy.
I yearn more for a friend who used to craddle me and age play with me every now and then than every romantic partner i've ever had combined, kind of sad :'3
Now for the question...
Do I, as an age reggresor, still have a niche in the community?
Heya mouse❤️🍃
*sits by your side* i understand how it would be confusing and frustrating, it's completely okay and valid to feel love, attraction and romance and to find warmth and comfort in emotional and physical closeness but not enjoy sexual intimacy, i get why you find it stressing..
you can check the web for the label "asexual bi-romantic" as well to see if it feels close to your experience??
As for your question, being an age regressor would not change the fact you can have any sexuality, emotional and sexual preferences, you have every right to experience all your feelings and you do belong in this community❤️🍃 we are, and personally i am here for you
*sends super duper tight hugs*
@Listeningsarinn ohmygosh thank you <3
Its confusing that asexuality can be a preference, sounds counterintuitive, "demi" has a certain nice ring to me!
its silly, i like bi and pan flags because they're cute! n u n
magenta is best color! our eyes alone can't actually see it but our brains make it possible somehow <3
Oh this is so beautiful. Thank you for making this! I'm sure you'll have many people feeling all warm and fuzzy reading it 🌈💜
The word 'queer' makes me cringe. Other than that I found this reassuring and helpful.