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Divide in the LGBTQ+ community over new gender identities?

I know there is a lot of divide within the community over many topics, because everyone is human and we all have our own perspectives. 

Growing up in the community there was a lot of internal divide on the spectrum of gender that materialized in many ways. 

I had a hard time finding the words to explain my experience to my son, especially in trying to communicate why a lot of the older LGBTQ+ community is having a hard time with the new generations gender identity movement. 

Tell me how you feel you have seen or have experienced this divide? 

Please be kind to each other, we all have our own experiences, let’s leave room for non judgment. 

Aayla Saturday
@courageousKite3480 there's definitely a lot of divide in the community about many topics, in this case a think a lot has to do with how we "fossilize" on the perspective we've internalized growing up. Older people may have a different understanding of gender based on their own experience or cultural environment, while younger generations are devolping a new understanding of the complexities of gender. I think a good way to handle these different understandings is for everyone be respectful of other people's experiences, trying to understand where every individual comes from, as well as being open to new ideas and willing to empathize with other people's journey. It's good to share our understanding and ask questions, as long as it's all done respectfully and open mindedly.
courageousKite3480 OP Saturday

@Aayla thank you for sharing and I absolutely agree we need to respect each other’s paths. Though there may not be judgement with some of us older gen in the community, it is still difficult to comprehend how a lifestyle we have all lived for eons is now being completely redefined by 1 generation in what feels like the period of 10 years. It feels like it's too much, like it's being forced or manufactured to find titles for a spectrum that has been fluid for so long. Why forcefully put yourself in a box? Why the what seems like neurotic need for a label (79 new ones now in 5 yrs?) when we have worked so hard to get away from labels to just be free to be? 

I feel like this is parallel to the Stizzy epidemic messing up this new gen’s mental stability causing high levels of delusions. Working in mental health, the level of drug use increase has increased exponentially and has been directly proportional to a massive spike in a mental health epidemic. Do you think there is a parallel? 
Aayla Sunday
@courageousKite3480 making parallels between the need to find words to describe oneself and drug use / mental health issues is far more offensive than you seem to realize. I understand having troubles dealing with the new definitions being used, but why not simply accepting that what works for us does not necessarily work for other people? Fighting for the freedom to not be labelled is great, but labels are fine as long as a person picks one for themselves without forcing others to do the same. Some people legitimately prefer avoiding labels and others feel more comfortable being able to define themselves through a specific word, there's nothing wrong with it and it's surely not a "neurotic" need, just a different way of seeing things. And it doesn't harm anyone, as people who use a relatively new label to define the specificity of their identity don't force you to do the same for yourself.
courageousKite3480 OP Sunday

@Aayla thank you for sharing so eloquently, I most definitely don’t mean to offend. I have more of a logical/intellectual way of assessing spikes in patterns, especially ones that are directly proportionate and in the same population. It’s only logical to consider the parallel, I mean no offense to anyone. I appreciate your feedback, it gave me some new perspectives, thank you again for sharing.