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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


Then Olve Banshees...❀

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Last cry falling down a well...

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

Pigs will fly

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Banshees fly❀

Flowingstreams February 9th, 2020

*throws rope down to beyondrepairs.... eats popcorn with Goldcherry, and admires tinycactus' impossibox (very cool),

Stares confusedly at flying pigs....🐷

...while adjusting crown on my head....

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


*slides over* hi just gonna take what's belong to me.. *takes crown and runs off* it's mines hahahaha

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


Totally awesomeπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

AlexFox800 OP February 9th, 2020


parissaiko February 9th, 2020


tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


parissaiko February 9th, 2020


tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


parissaiko February 9th, 2020


tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

*pulls sword out of the stone.* Clearly I am destined to be the winner

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

Clearly you're wrong, it's obvious I'm the real winner here *pushes you into the ocean*

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Good thing my Dragon can swim! *Bubbles rescues me from the salty waves*

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Image result for cool dragon

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


oh boy. that was big. my bad.

um... say hello to bubbles everyone!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


*gasps* um h-hi bubbles gulp..

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Bubbles is VERY happy to meet everyone! Just don't get on his bad side unless you want to be drowned, frozen, shredded to bits, or all of the above! 😊

Goldcherry2113 February 9th, 2020


tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Aw, c'mon. Don't be shy! Bubbles is very friendly! :D

Goldcherry2113 February 9th, 2020


AlexFox800 OP February 9th, 2020

*Kindly nuzzles Bubbles with my snout*

Hi bubbles (lol)

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


Aw, Bubbles seems to really like ypu!

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020



Goldcherry2113 February 9th, 2020

Just sneaking in here. Don't mind me

Flowingstreams February 9th, 2020

~~~~~~🍣 ````````πŸ™ *distance throwing sushi snacks....

) ) ) ) ) ) ) πŸ— and chucking a chicken leg long distance ...

Distracts dear Bubbles.... and lifts the πŸ‘‘ crown! Hahahahaha!!!!

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Will you still be there?...

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

*Bubbles chomps all the snacks in one bite* *notices my crown is missing*

Uh oh.. Bubbles doesn't like that...

*Bubbles freezes Flowingstream and returns the crown to me*

Sorry about that! I can't always control him when he's angry!

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

*Eats bubbles, stuck in my teeth anoying...*

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


Uh you can't eat my dragon

1) That is EXTREMELY rude

2) He's got bullet proof hide, all you did was ruin poor Bubble's perfectly done scale polish

RevanentOfTriquetra February 9th, 2020


beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

E from elves.. once..long time ago...

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

How rude...

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Bubbles scale polish has been fixed, and all is forgiven 😊

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Good, cause bubbles gve me gases πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

tinycactus809 February 10th, 2020


beyondrepairs February 10th, 2020

36, 40...+TX..

parissaiko February 10th, 2020

I have return to claim my winning spot ;)