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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

Just wanna be the last one standing 😊

Goldcherry2113 February 9th, 2020

beep bop boop

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Good luck with that *knocks you over*

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Standing where?πŸ™„

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

*locks you in tall tower* THIS is my spot!

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020

Okaay..... I give up.

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020

Okaay..... I give up.

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


sorry for posting that twice

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

Yayyyy that makes it easier for me~

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


for now......

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


betrayal...... but if I had to support someone, I'd support you

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


awwwww thank you!

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


ur welcome πŸ€—

AlphaPheonix4720 February 10th, 2020

@tinycactus809 I support you but also I'm gonna win

tinycactus809 February 10th, 2020


Honestly I'm so torn between having one of you amazing humans win and claiming the crown for myself

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Back off pal!

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

No way Jose!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Goldcherry2113 February 9th, 2020

Where's the popcorn?

AlexFox800 OP February 9th, 2020

@Goldcherry2113 🍿

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

*snatches trophy, runs away with it, locks self in the impossi-box*

(The impossi-box is impossible for anyone to get into unless the person inside lets them in)


parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Aww that's very cute did you made that up yourself! That's so sweet haha but I'm the real winner here *points at self*

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


Nope that's me! nice try though! 😊

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


In your dreams it will!

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


Fortunately for me, I can make my dreams a reality!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Unfortunately for you I exists to stop that smiley

I'll be the last one forever and ever and everrrrrrrr

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


You can't stop me! I'm on a roll!

Goldcherry2113 February 9th, 2020

Just lurkin

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

I Win.

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

nope 😁

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

I don't think so πŸ™ƒ

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Quit winning and enjoy the funπŸ˜‰

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

*stands up on a rock* I am the queen of all light touches *notices light shining on the crown* Interesting... this is mine now!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Nice acting time for the real queen *takes crown*

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


You're right *takes crown back, has it surgically attacted to my skull* Its mine now and forever

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


*stares with curiosity* hmm I can't get the crown off your head, the only way is to remove your head off..

Oh well 😁

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


Good luck with that! I am trained in martial arts!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


SO I AM angry

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

You're right, we need to win to enjoy the fun!