Trying To Figure Things Out
Hey Everyone, My name is Liz. I am from a Christian background, and I do hold my religion important to me. That being said, I have been educated my whole life to save myself for marriage. I never was bothered by this because I didn't think that people naturally wanted to have sex. Then, during my Junior year of high school, one of my best friends was telling me about her sexual attraction towards a guy. I thought this must be a rare feeling until I heard my other friends starting to sexualize the people they were interested in. I was so confused. Since when do people actually think this way like they do in the movies? Then, I thought something must be wrong with me. However, I can't be asexual because I've had crushes on guys before. Then, I became more educated on what asexuality actually is, and I felt like I finally found something that makes sense to how I feel. I'm still discovering who I am, but I do believe I am somewhere on the asexual spectrum. Thank you so much for creating this forum!