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PL 101: Understanding Your Gifts and Strengths from the MBTI (Discussion 2)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.
Hello Leadership Crew!

I have just gone through the introduction thread and read about all of you. If you havent yet introduced yourself, then please stop by and share a little about yourself so we can get to know you. Im encouraged by all the great people that have joined. This should be a fun and enriching program!

Let me first zoom back and talk more broadly about your career and how we can help. When you become a leader on 7 Cups, we want you to find the work fulfilling. Fulfilling work means that it is:

a) work you are good at;
b) work that is interesting to you; and
c) work that solves an important problem or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

The sweet spot is that blue area in the middle below.

Work Alignment Diagram

If you do work that you are good at, but not interested in, then you wont do a great job. If you do work that you are interested in, but not particularly good at, then it wont be great work. If you do work that you are good at and interested in, but it isnt helping to solve an important problem, then we wont be a good fit for you. We need alignment on all 3 things. We work very hard at the beginning of your work with us to match your inherent strengths and interests with needs we have so that we can work together to solve problems that we all care about.

You have strengths â things that you are just really good at when compared with others. Operating out of your strengths feels good, is personally fulfilling, and enables you to hit flow states. As a result, you are much more effective and productive. Operating out of weaknesses is a drain. If you have to do work that you are not good at, then you wont be as effective. Doubling down on your strengths enables you to level up much faster and it helps 7 Cups make much more progress. Â

The next step becomes helping you find ways to identify your strengths, gifts or natural talents. You can learn some of this through self-observation - what do you seem especially good at? Are there things that just come natural to you that are more challenging for others? My wife, for example, is really good at writing; it just comes natural to her. Im pretty good at public speaking, whereas others find it more challenging.

Another way is to ask people you trust. You can say: What do you think Im good at? Or: what do you think are my top 1-3 strengths? Things that stand out to you about me? Note: only ask people you trust because sometimes people can give you feedback in a harmful rather than helpful way especially if they are not trustworthy.

For the purposes of this course, we are going to use personality tests to help you identify your strengths. Some of these are better than others; they are more reliable and have more research behind them. Broadly, we are using them here to help you begin to map out your strengths and to help you find ways where you can naturally excel here on 7 Cups, in your personal life, and in whatever career your are in or choose further down the road.

To start:

Go to this site here and take the test:

Next, in the thread below, answer the following questions:

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Last, when people interact with one another, it makes the course more enriching and it allows us to learn more about one another. In addition to posting in the thread, please also be sure to respond in a helpful and positive way to at least 3 other comments in this thread.

You can also ask any questions in this thread and well respond to them as well.

Very excited to kick this off with all of you!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

FawkesCare12 May 17th, 2021


Really like how you've worded that last line :)

Just read your answer, too. Bringing delight to others.. something we really need in this world, right now.

Brinaa101 June 3rd, 2021


I can relate to the sensitivity part! It's so important to check up with yourself and remember it's hard to please everyone and we should focus on the overall picture of helping people! :)

FawkesCare12 June 3rd, 2021


Yes!! It's so easy to forget that, sometimes.

Hope you have an amazing day ahead :)

IcicleSnown April 29th, 2021


My personality type is ENFJ-T. The main things I learned about myself is that it’s normal that I have a fluctuating self-esteem. I also learned that I need to be very careful when it comes to my confidence since it can be lowered by the littlest things. Moreover, I learned I can influence new people I meet very well, both ways, so I need to be careful to bring happiness instead of sadness. On a side note, the last time I took this test, it gave me a different personality, but I feel this one matches me most, and time had passed from when I last took this test. My loving soulmate had made me aware of the 16 personalities test that I had completely forgotten about. When it comes to the last time I took the test, before this recent time, the last personality it gave me, MORE THAN ONCE, was ISFP-T, which was back in January 2021. And if you ask me, I’d say that the newest result matches me most. I made an account, and the good news is that even without Premium, you can still can more knowledge using that site.

According to the personality test, my top 3 strengths or gifts are: Tolerant, Reliable, and Charismatic, assuming that the other 2 strengths are part of the top 5.

For tolerant, based on what I read, it says that I am a good sport and that I won’t really be troublesome when someone disagrees with me.

For reliable, based on what I read, it says that I am someone to count on.

For charismatic, again based on what I read, it says that I pick up well on the behavior of an audience, in such a way that I can still express my own self while giving an audience what they need, and that I am a good imitator.

Ethan May 10th, 2021

@IcicleSnown Hi Icicle! Similarly to you, I have previously taken the 16personalities test and got different results than I did today. I think this just goes to show how much our personalities can develop and grow over time! I have been taking the test every 7 - 10 months since 2017 and it is great to see how my personality has changed since then, and reading about all the different personality types is much fun.

JoyfulMovement September 9th, 2021


Hi there. I find your point about fluctuating self-esteem very interesting! Of course it is normal to have that fluctuation, and now you're in a place where you can accept it within yourself and use this knowledge to grow.

shallowWater7547 May 3rd, 2021


My personality type is: INFJ-T (Advocate)

The main things i got to know about myself that I'm of sensitive nature and Sometimes i can be overly sensitive. I find it hard to trust people and to open up. I hate chaotic environment and conflicts as i feel distressed and i always try to stop them. I would like to change myself and these traits to be a better person.

My top three strengths are:-

Altruism - I have always felt troubled by injustice and have taken stand for people facing unfairness and abuse.

My feeling nature - I can feel not only my emotions deeply but also those of other people and I'm quite sensitive to their pain and needs

Creativity - I think I'm a creative person and know how to fix problems.

greatfulSmiles6152 June 7th, 2021


Hi Water!

I'm a fellow Advocate (INFJ-T) too. My personal take on why we are overly sensitive is because we are always thinking about others, and if our efforts go unappreciated, it can be hurtful. For the same reason, I think it’s hard for us to open up since there’s a large possibility that the response we receive, isn’t what we hoped for. These are just my thoughts though and can be different for each of us :)

I do think we have a lot of great strengths though and I’m happy to meet another INFJ!heart

Banjothebudgie May 3rd, 2021


1. What is your personality type?

My personality type is ISTP-T.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learened that I am more introverted than I thought I was. I also learned that I am also heavily a thinker rather than a feeler which really surpried me.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Optimistic and energetic– I am cheerful and good-natured, rarely get stressed out, and I prefer to go with the flow.

Creative and Practical – I am very good with practical thasks, ideas come easily, and I love to put them into action.

Spontaneous and Rational – I can easily combine spontaneity with logic, I can switch mindsets to fit new situations with little effort and am very flexible.

DigitalKnight May 9th, 2021


My Personality Type

The Mediator


New Things I Learnt About Myself

Tbh, I really learnt alot about myself from the test, I am more of a peace loving person, at times, i can overthink, No plans/deadlines. But i always follow my heart, where it leads me. And i love doing things for people, making them smile, Though at times i can over-exert myself a bit. And i usually tend to avoid crowds. I am always comfortable alone.

My Top Strengths




Thanks for the great test <3

BecauseImBatman22 June 21st, 2021

I loved to see everything that you've learned about yourself from this test Knightt, I for one always enjoy being in a group chat with yousmiley
Kudos to all of your qualities and I admire each one of them!

Ethan May 10th, 2021

1. What is your personality type?
My personality type is Turbulent Entertainer (ESFP-T)

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
Just from reading the Introduction of the Entertainer personality type I realised how much of a people-person I am! Entertainers love spending time with people and they get caught up in the excitement of the moment, sharing it with others as they do. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic I have spent a lot less time with other people due to government restrictions/guidelines, social distancing, self-isolation, etc., but restrictions in the UK have begun to ease recently, and I have been able to spend time with people I enjoy the company of, and I feel like this has really brought a lot more positivity into my life and given me a lot more energy than when the restrictions were more strict.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them
One strength is excellent people skills. Entertainers are very talkative people and rarely run out of things to say in a conversation, which sounds just like me! Another strength is being original, commonly ignore traditions and instead experimenting with new styles and finding new ways to stick out in a crowd. Entertainers are also observant, meaning they focus on what is happening at a given moment, and notice real things and small changes.

lueurspace May 11th, 2021


Hello Ethan! I see that you are an ESFP-T, nice to meet one, one of my closest friends is one too! I am glad the restrictions at your place have started easing up a little. I am glad to hear this has brought positivity to your life. That makes me happy to hear!

Your strengths all seem super awesome! I am observant too so I am glad one of our strengths coincides perfectly. Nice to see you here!

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

gentleLove04 May 10th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please


2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am very empathetic and care aout others so much. I also learned that I am poetic and kind hearted. I feel that this describes me so much.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.
Empathetic-I care so much about people and I uderstand them more than others do, even if I have never walked in their shoes.

Generous-I uplift people a lot and give them praise

Open-minded-I don't judge anyone, ever.

lueurspace May 11th, 2021


INFPs are really sweet, I see them as total cinnamon rolls, smh. INFPs are very empathetic indeed. I am poetic too! I really find ENFPs and INFPs to be a lot similar to each other. Your strengths make you one very dependable listener!

It is lovely seeing you here!

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

May 11th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please.

My personality type is a turbulent defender (ISFJ-T).

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I found out my values and personality can be categorized by a type and surprisingly accurate.

- I am a perfectionist and can be relied upon to get things done on time.

- I tend to underplay my accomplishments.

- I am kind and am often taken advantage of by others if I don’t stand up for myself.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

My top 3 strengths according to this test are:

Supportive - Help others whenever possible to create a win-win situation. Tendency to choose empathy over judgement.

Reliable and patient - Meticulous and careful with my work to ensure accomplishment of the end goal.

Loyal and hard-working - Emotional attachment will be formed with the work they dedicate themselves to. Anything less than good and hard-work falls short of their own expectations.

lueurspace May 11th, 2021


Hi lin! I am so thrilled to know that we are starting this program on the same date! I see that you're an ISFP, weirdly I have gotten that result too when I took the test but I have always been an ENFP. I hope the things that you learned about yourself really help you to make some good decisions and become much better! Your strengths sound so awesome - I believe these strengths make you a really great listener and a very good leader here in the community! It's nice seeing you!

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

lueurspace May 11th, 2021

lol, I am sorry, I meant ISFJ*

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

May 11th, 2021

Hi lueur, glad we're starting the program on the same date as well. My results used to be different as well, though I don't remember what it was. It's interesting to see how our personalities change with time.

LovetoGod May 11th, 2021


1. My personality type is-: INFJ-T( Advocate)

2. The main things I learned are -: I have Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits. I tend to approach my life with deep thoughtfulness and imaginations. This personality type may feel called to use their strengths – including creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion. I get to know that this type of personality always wanted to help people. They're reserved but communicate in sensitive and warm way. 😊

3. Creative-: Advocate personalities enjoy finding the perfect solution for the people they care about. To do this, they draw on their vivid imagination and their strong sense of compassion. This can make them excellent counselors and advisors.

Principled-: People with the Advocate personality type tend to have deeply held beliefs, and their conviction often shines through when they speak or write about subjects that matter to them. Advocates can be compelling and inspiring communicators, with their idealism persuading even the hardest of skeptics.

Passionate-: Advocates can pursue their ideals with a single-mindedness that may catch others off guard. These personalities rarely settle for “good enough,” and their willingness to disrupt the status quo may not please everyone. That said, Advocates’ passion for their chosen cause is a key aspect of their personality.

lueurspace May 11th, 2021


I have a lot of friends who are an INFJ, good to see you here! You seem like a very thoughtful person who also likes to brood and really put in efforts with what you do. INFJs are super warm and welcoming! My friends are one of the best listeners out there too!

Your strengths sound awesome and I believe they will help you tremendously with the roles you take up for this program! Best Wishes, Love, it is lovely seeing you here!

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

LovetoGod May 12th, 2021


Thank you so much❤. And glad to know that there are lots of people with this personality and moreover they are your friends too😃

And your personality is also amazing and cool. You seems an energetic person who loves to learn and moreover you are an observant I really like this qualities. And wish you so much good luck for program too. I know you will do great 😃❤❤

lueurspace May 11th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please.

My personality type is Campaigner ENFP-T, I have taken the test long back but for the sake of it, I took it again and it came out to be the same.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

The things that stuck with me the most are knowing that I am a true free spirit, I may appear like an extrovert to people but at a party, rather than dancing and stuff, I think I’d be more interested to also get to know people, and just have a chat. I think I often tend to live in my head, map out how every interaction will work out. This can put me in a position where I get frustrated or feel disappointed if things don’t go the way I planned. There is this one particular line that resonates with me, “Campaigners are very emotional and sensitive, and when they step on someone’s toes, they both feel it.”

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

  1. Curious - I really like to know something. I am not the one who would like to think of something alone or by myself if it involves other people. I like to be on the go and involve as much input from others as I can while keeping an open mind to absorb all the information.

  2. Observant - I am very observant of my surroundings unless I am just spacing out. I tend to focus on patterns and how something is changing/staying the same.

  3. Energetic & Enthusiastic - I am full of energy and I am also very very excited to share anything with anyone who would listen (with keeping certain boundaries and professionalism, of course). I am very open to hear what other people think of what I share and in that way, my previous knowledge of the topic just grows even more!

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

BecauseImBatman22 June 21st, 2021

Hi Space! I think you've got an amazing personality, I'm glad to see how much you've learned about yourself from this test and how open you are about it, it really does take courage smiley
I loved reading your qualities and the one I can certainly agree upon and have witnessed myself is your energy and enthusiasm. You provide wonderful Peer Support and host your sessions with so much positivity and warmth, love being a part of them!

peacefulIris56 May 15th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

ENFJ-A Protagonist

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am well liked by others with the charisma that I have. I already knew these things listed in the report.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Receptivity. I am upon and receptive to other people's perspectives and experiences.

Reliability. I really care about being there for people. So, I am reliable

Leadership. I like working and communicating with other people and making a difference in the world.

bubblingBreeze14 August 15th, 2021


Awesome qualities to have. I'm sure you'll be able to make a difference just by being in this platform laugh

peacefulIris56 August 15th, 2021


Thank you.

May 17th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

My personality type is: ISFJ

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I always aim to bring extraordinary delight to the recepients of my work, and look to do that work which brings me a good level of satisfaction.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

i) I do things to exceed expectations and delight others.

ii) My ability to connect with others on an intimate level is good.

iii) I feel a lot of satisfaction in what I do.

StargirlTina June 1st, 2021

@GlenM Hey glen, hope you're doing well..thank you for this wonderful post! I learnt a lot about myself😊 My answers are:

1) My Personality: Campaigner ENFP-T

2) What were the main things I learned about myself?

I learnt that I am a person who likes connecting with people emotionally. I am more intuitive than observant and I need to create a balance.. Also, I rely more on how I'm feeling than planning so that's something I've to work on too.

3) What were the top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test?

My top 3 strengths are:

• I'm kind to people

• I can understand what someone in a very different situation is going through

• I can connect easily with people

My weaknesses are:

I believe I need to manage my emotions better and make plans to stick to, in order to achieve my goals efficiently.

Brinaa101 June 3rd, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please.

My personality type is ISFJ-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am really kind and caring when it comes to other people. I can be anxious, however, when it comes to helping other people, I put them first, which reduces my anxiety.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

I am good with analyzing things, I am able to adapt and overcome obstacles, and I talk to other people with enthusiasm and generosity. I am also organized!

greatfulSmiles6152 June 7th, 2021


Hi Brinaa! It's wonderful to know you have such a warm and caring heart! heart Coping with anxiety can be difficult, I can personally relate to this, but I am glad to know you can find ways to reduce it :)

helpfulBraid5417 June 7th, 2021


i am also a campaigner

greatfulSmiles6152 June 7th, 2021


1. My personality type is Advocate, INFJ-T.

2. I learned that while I strive for success, having this mindset can lead to burnout and stress. Advocates also like to create solutions that changes people’s lives.

3. One of my strengths is being insightful, in that I tend to understand people’s true feelings and needs. I am passionate, in which I pursue my ideals with a lot of passion with single-mindedness. I am happy to say that I am altruistic, as I like to use my strengths for the greater good. My goal is to help the people around me and make the world a better place!

unique73 June 21st, 2021


Hey there fellow INFJ, nice to meet you!
I could relate to being insightful and passionate (being a fellow INFJ) , glad to see you're aware about your goals and wish you all the best!

lolasam June 10th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please.

ENFP-T - Campaigner

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

This test was definitely eye-opening! I hope to find other fellow campaigners!

I tend to have very complex feelings and thoughts which are very hard to explain. Sometimes I would like to just transfer my thoughts if that even makes sense! I definitely believe everything is connected and that everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason and we need to live life to the fullest!

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

According to this test, I am energetic and enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, and curious.

Energetic and enthusiastic: When I have an idea or learn something new, I get really excited and share them with others. I am always down to make new social connections and my enthusiasm makes it easy for me to do so.

Curious: I always want to know more about the world. Whether it is from hearing experiences from other people or browsing the web, I am very open mided and eager to learn.

Excellent communicators: Campaigners love to interact with others whether it be small talk or deep meaningful conversations. We have great people skills which makes it easier to make connections and long-lasting friendships.

loveagape June 14th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please
A: I am a ENFJ-A

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
There are some characters that I would like to change for thebbeter.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.
Intuitive 58%
feeling 60%
judging 71%
assertive 51%

FlourishingDimensions June 20th, 2021

These are really interesting results! Did you find them relatable?
It looks like you have some really great strengths!
Intuitive 58%
feeling 60%
assertive 51%

healingWhisper June 20th, 2021
1. What is your personality type? � �Mediator - �INFP-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I love to get to know new people and listen to them as well as helping them in any way I can. �

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? �

Seeking harmony and peace so every voice is heard

Open-minded: hearing and accepting all people �

Hard-working when there is a sense of purpose in that work �
FlourishingDimensions June 20th, 2021

@healingWhisper Hey we are twinsies! heart
Did you find this was pretty accurate for you or what did you think of these results?

FlourishingDimensions June 20th, 2021

@healingWhisper Hey we are twinsies! heart
Did you find this was pretty accurate for you or what did you think of these results?