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PL 101: Understanding Your Gifts and Strengths from the MBTI (Discussion 2)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.
Hello Leadership Crew!

I have just gone through the introduction thread and read about all of you. If you havent yet introduced yourself, then please stop by and share a little about yourself so we can get to know you. Im encouraged by all the great people that have joined. This should be a fun and enriching program!

Let me first zoom back and talk more broadly about your career and how we can help. When you become a leader on 7 Cups, we want you to find the work fulfilling. Fulfilling work means that it is:

a) work you are good at;
b) work that is interesting to you; and
c) work that solves an important problem or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

The sweet spot is that blue area in the middle below.

Work Alignment Diagram

If you do work that you are good at, but not interested in, then you wont do a great job. If you do work that you are interested in, but not particularly good at, then it wont be great work. If you do work that you are good at and interested in, but it isnt helping to solve an important problem, then we wont be a good fit for you. We need alignment on all 3 things. We work very hard at the beginning of your work with us to match your inherent strengths and interests with needs we have so that we can work together to solve problems that we all care about.

You have strengths â things that you are just really good at when compared with others. Operating out of your strengths feels good, is personally fulfilling, and enables you to hit flow states. As a result, you are much more effective and productive. Operating out of weaknesses is a drain. If you have to do work that you are not good at, then you wont be as effective. Doubling down on your strengths enables you to level up much faster and it helps 7 Cups make much more progress. Â

The next step becomes helping you find ways to identify your strengths, gifts or natural talents. You can learn some of this through self-observation - what do you seem especially good at? Are there things that just come natural to you that are more challenging for others? My wife, for example, is really good at writing; it just comes natural to her. Im pretty good at public speaking, whereas others find it more challenging.

Another way is to ask people you trust. You can say: What do you think Im good at? Or: what do you think are my top 1-3 strengths? Things that stand out to you about me? Note: only ask people you trust because sometimes people can give you feedback in a harmful rather than helpful way especially if they are not trustworthy.

For the purposes of this course, we are going to use personality tests to help you identify your strengths. Some of these are better than others; they are more reliable and have more research behind them. Broadly, we are using them here to help you begin to map out your strengths and to help you find ways where you can naturally excel here on 7 Cups, in your personal life, and in whatever career your are in or choose further down the road.

To start:

Go to this site here and take the test:

Next, in the thread below, answer the following questions:

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Last, when people interact with one another, it makes the course more enriching and it allows us to learn more about one another. In addition to posting in the thread, please also be sure to respond in a helpful and positive way to at least 3 other comments in this thread.

You can also ask any questions in this thread and well respond to them as well.

Very excited to kick this off with all of you!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

ItssssMJ February 14th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

My personality type is ISPF-T.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am more impartial than I though...nearly all my answers ended up being the middle one.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

3 of the the top strengths of my personality type are: Sensitive to other-meaning more empathetic and sympathetic, Passionate-meaning caring a lot about anything of interest, and Artistic-meaning finds inspiration and relief in artistic areas.

windSpirit February 21st, 2021


Hi, does your being impartial correlate somehow with your 3 top strengths? (as they both seems to be a bit opposite)

And tbh, I was afraid that me being sensitive, passionate and artistic will make me drained, that it is my huge weakness, but you hinted me that it can also be a power, so I really thank you.

ItssssMJ February 21st, 2021


Hi! Nice to meet you!

I sure like to think so...I feel that being slightly impartial is helpful in maintaing the level of trust, care, and understanding needed to be an effective member of society, though it is for sure not a requirement to participate in society.

I'm glad I could empower you! The world needs much more of that! I hope you have a wonderful day/week <3

windSpirit February 21st, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

INTP-T (Logician)

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I'm logic, more thinking then feeling, less judging others, looking more on perspective. I learned that I'm a good analyst and I'm objective, that one who sees a big picture.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

- Open-minded - I am open to various posibilities, even when there is the only veriant I'm looking for others

- Great analyst - tbh I'm a bit unsure about my analytical skills but when comes to structurize I am good

- Enthusiastic - I like to start things and hopefully to get them done, kinda self-inspiring

- Honest/straightforward - I list it too because it would make me a reliable friend and doing things with more direct approach

wonderfulKermitKaTy February 22nd, 2021

@windSpirit that's awesome :) seeing your profile I am curious to know what are the things you are interested in?

windSpirit February 22nd, 2021

@wonderfulKermitKaTy becoming a leader, finding my own strengths, helping others, finding a role that best fits me, and generally becoming a better person, if that is what you wanted to know :)

wonderfulKermitKaTy February 23rd, 2021

@windSpirit that's so great. Those are the best characteristics of the best people. All the best and hope you are able to succeed in all of these.

wonderfulKermitKaTy February 22nd, 2021

My personality Trait is - Mediator INFP-t

These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do.

My strength - Thoughtful - I ( these personalities) tend to care about other people's emotions and they change their actions if they think they might hurt someone with it.

Generous – people with this personality type want to share the good things in their lives

Open-Minded – We tend to give other people the benefit of the doubt. They aim to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs, lifestyles, and decisions.

It was cool knowing this but I feel this is 80% accurate as I try to have these strengths but Sometimes my emotions get the best of me and that happens very frequently in some cases/topics.

Jili February 28th, 2021


These are wonderful strengths!

March 13th, 2021


INFP seems really wonderful. heart Thoughtfulness is one of the most wonderful traits.

TheWonderlandSystem17 February 26th, 2021


I am an ISFP. I learned that I am rather artistic, and I also learned that I like to experiment with myself and my perspectives. My top three strengths are that: I'm charming, empathetic, and imaginative.

TheWonderlandSystem17 February 26th, 2021

Charm allows me to gain people's trust. Empathy allows me to care about people and their stories. Imagination allows me to put myself in their shoes, and to come up with suggestions for them.

Jili February 28th, 2021

My personality type is : INFJ-T

I learned that one of my strengths is the ability to look for creative solutions

I also learned that I have the rarest personality type

My other strengths include: being passionate and altruistic

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 5th, 2021


Those are all great qualities, Para . And Yyay, Rarest personality type .♥️

March 13th, 2021


I really admire INFJ personality type. heart It really seems like a perfect role model personality type for me.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

This is a little strange for me hehe, I've taken this test ,not too long ago, and got a different personality type (ISFJ -T Defender ) and just now when I took it again for the discussion , I got a different one , which is INFJ Advocate.

What's amusing to me is that, both these have a similar set of strengths and weaknesses and I lowkey relate to both, so maybe I am a mix of both of them ,which is quite fun to know. 😄

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

During both these times, I've learnt alot about my personality, and having to relate with both of these, some of the key things I realised are that, I am a naturally giving and altruistic person, I value people and believe in genuine relationships of all kinds, I have leadership instincts and can also be a great autonomous worker in anything I set my mind to, am curious and insightful and have a deep interest in learning about human behavior and interactions. I've also realised and agree that, I am prone to burn outs and exhaustion as I can find it hard to ask for help or take breaks , when needed and this is something I should work upon for sure . 😄

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Insightful / Perceptive - I think being an insightful person is a strength as I am able to form and offer my perspective and also am able to look at things from different angles to be able to understand other perspectives and open to new ideas.

Altruism- I believe in being a giving person, that definitely is a strength as i am able to create some difference in someone else's life , making their day(s) better, and I don't think there's anything better than this .

Adaptability - I believe it's a great strength to be able to adapt in different situations and amongst different people , and not lose your ground and patience in case of adversities.

GalaxyForLife March 6th, 2021

1. Advocate INFJ-A 2. I learned more about how I handle people’s emotions. 3. Mind | Nature | Tactics

Kieran000 March 7th, 2021


What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please

My personality type is Advocate INFJ

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I have a deep sense of integrity and idealism and I take steps in order to realise my goals and make an impact on others. As a Advocate INFJ, I have many personality traits and it's the rarest personality type of all. As an Advocate, I stand up for things which are right. I think this is very true for me as well, since it's what I want and what I try to do in any situation.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

1. Altruistic - This means I use my strengths for the greater good and I don't like succeeded over others expenses

2. Principled - This means that I have deeply convinced beliefs and it shows when I talk or write about certain subjects which I hold them beliefs to.

3. Passionate - I rarely settle with myself or my work being 'good enough'. I push to reaching my goals which I'm passionate about and try the hardest to be more than good enough.

March 13th, 2021


I really like the advocate personality type. It sure is really special and has amazing traits. heart

Looj March 8th, 2021

As MBTI expert, I first got INTJ-T from the same website, but ENFP from another website. I understand the purpose of this exercise but MBTI actually follows the rules of Carl Jung’s MBTI cognitive functions, I won’t explain it here right now but I’ll answer the rest from what I’ve learnt from my true personality type. People have called me routine person though I’m filled with imagination, schizophrenia made me less social and disconnected from reality. Bring ENFP can be a bless thing, you can share your visual world from an authentic heart, you can change the world with your unique courage. To be continued...

Looj March 8th, 2021

I’ll answer the 3 strength based on the website from a Jungian perspective: Curious: Extroverted iNtuition which is ENFP’s dominant function opens new worlds, realities and perceptive. You see a mug of tea and billions of ideas occur including exiting ones, which can drive for more innovation and growth. Observant: As mentioned, Extrovert iNtuition opens new worlds, it’s something abstract and can derive conclusions from an external perceptive. Energetic and Enthusiastic: The dominant function of ENFP is of course extrovert, which means that it perceives the external world through a perceiving function. The ENFP might not be social but looking to the external world can bring lots of energy to themself.

marvelloustree1111 March 12th, 2021


Alright, so here we go!

1. What is my personality type?

I am a Protagonist.


My role is that of a Diplomat.

2. What are the main things I learnt about myself?

There are a plethora of things I learnt and the most important of them would be:

a. Only 2% of the population are protagonists.

b. Protagonists have natural leadership qualities.

c. They enjoy leading the crowd and radiate positivity, charisma and altruism.

d. They can self-reflect but sometimes when they see faults in others, they feel like those faults are present in themselves which might hinder their progress.

e. They can also place a lot of trust in others.

3. What are my top three strengths or gifts according to this test?

My strengths would be as follows:



c. Charismatic

d. Altruistic

e. Natural Leader

blindHeart12 March 12th, 2021


Thank you for the test.

1. What is your personality type?

Personality type Consul ESFJ-T

12% population are CONSUL.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

i understand thing in organized way and someone who follow hierarchy, rules, traditions and law.

Make Decision based on rule, law and moral.

Ready to help other and keep them first.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Extrovert and Altruists.

Loyal and warm

Admistrative skills and leadership (which I need to explore more)

Medical care, teaching, social worker are the field I fit more.

March 13th, 2021


Mediator INFP-T

73% Introverted

80% Intuitive

77% Feeling

64% Prospecting

60% Turbulent

Top 3 Strengths:

Thoughtful: Mediators tend to be very kindhearted. They are thoughtful and consider other's feelings and adjust their actions accordingly to avoid any harm.

Generous: Mediators value equality and want to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard. They do not like succeeding at someone else's expense.

Open-minded: Mediators tend to support other's right to live as they see fit - as long as no one is being hurt.

What I learned:

I have taken the test four times in the past, that time my personality type was Advocate INFJ-A. After exploring the Mediator INFP-T personality type I learned that despite being principled, bold, holding strong beliefs, standing up for right, etc. my personality traits bend towards more thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Most people see it as a weakness I see sensitivity as a gift, as sensitive people tend to interpret the best meaning of life and can understand people well which can be helpful in the career I wish to pursue.

KristinHelps March 15th, 2021


1. Defender is my personality type. ISFJ-T

2. The main things that I learned about myself is that I like to be organized and have a schedule, I am observant, and of course, introverted.

3. My top 3 strengths according to this personality test are Supportive - as where I like to strive for win-win situations with everyone and show empathy. Reliable and Patient - I do not rush things but I will ensure things are done as expected. And my last one is Loyal and Hard-Working - I am dependable and will meet my goals.

SunnyLexi March 15th, 2021


My personality Type- Protagonist ENFJ-T

I feel more than I think.

My strengths/gifts- Reliable – The one thing worst feeling is the idea of letting down a person or cause they believe in.

Natural Leaders – I often end up in leadership roles at the request of others

Tolerant – I am a team player, and I recognize that means listening to other peoples’ opinions.

Chloe563 March 15th, 2021

1. What is your personality type?- Protagonist ENFJ-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?-

The main things I have learnt about myself is that I am more extraverted than I thought and that I am a intuitive thinker meaning that I can understand and pinpoint emotions more easily and empathize easier than others.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.-

1) Tolerant- Protagonists are team players, they openly listen to other peoples opinions and learn, even if it was to oppose their own viewpoints. They also know and openly admit that they don't have every single answer.

2) Natural Leaders – Protagonists are more likely to take up roles in leadership. They are drawn to the sense of serving others as a leader and they have a drive of confidence to pursue as a leader.

3) Altruistic- Protagonists are self-less and warm. They have a desire to do good in their community and for there community. They also believe that if we all were to come together, we can make this world a better place.

jinlatte March 29th, 2021


It's great to see people with different personalities. The fact that you are a Natural Leader is amazing! Take care heart

shiningSky3745 March 16th, 2021

Here it goes (I hope colours are not a problem I love using them)

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â


2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Only 7% people in the world fall in this category

This personality is like a reali true free spirit

I am Charming, independent, compassionate and energetic (true that)

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Curious – When it comes to new ideas, Campaigners aren’t interested in brooding – they want to go out and experience things, and don’t hesitate to step out of their comfort zones to do so. Campaigners are imaginative and open-minded, seeing all things as part of a big, mysterious puzzle called life.

This is definitely true, I am not able to sit stable untill I get into to depth if something I hear about example can be when I heard that when I heard that there were many Apollo launches bwifre the moon landing successful one and it ultimately learn all about it starting from the ww1

Energetic and Enthusiastic – As they observe, forming new connections and ideas, Campaigners won’t hold their tongues – they’re excited about their findings, and share them with anyone who’ll listen. This infectious enthusiasm has the dual benefit of giving Campaigners a chance to make more social connections, and of giving them a new source of information and experience, as they fit their new friends’ opinions into their existing ideas.

I really can't hold my tounge back when it comes to talking I can go on for hours straight about many topics including science and history, I really once talked for 2 hours in front of my sis without any gap or rest about something she wanted to learn, I can do it anytime provided I have a listener

Excellent Communicators – It’s a good thing that Campaigners have such strong people skills, or they’d never express these ideas. Campaigners enjoy both small talk and deep, meaningful conversations, which are just two sides of the same coin for them, and are adept at steering conversations towards their desired subjects in ways that feel completely natural and unforced

Yeah again I can coordinate with people really well and hence in the school events help earlier I was definitely chosen for them and even today I can't cordinate really well like if hosting a party or something

AdylynS March 19th, 2021




Defenders are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity.

There’s hardly a better type to make up such a large proportion of the population, nearly 13%.

Combining the best of tradition and the desire to do good, Defenders are found in lines of work with a sense of history behind them, such as medicine, academics and charitable social work.

Supportive – Defenders are the universal helpers, sharing their knowledge, experience, time and energy with anyone who needs it, and all the more so with friends and family. People with this personality type strive for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible.

Reliable and Patient – Rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half finished, Defenders are meticulous and careful, taking a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish their end goals. Defenders not only ensure that things are done to the highest standard, but often go well beyond what is required.

Imaginative and Observant – Defenders are very imaginative, and use this quality as an accessory to empathy, observing others’ emotional states and seeing things from their perspective. With their feet firmly planted on the ground, it is a very practical imagination, though they do find things quite fascinating and inspiring.

Enthusiastic – When the goal is right, Defenders take all this support, reliability and imagination and apply it to something they believe will make a difference in people’s lives – whether fighting poverty with a global initiative or simply making a customer’s day.

Loyal and Hard-Working – Given a little time, this enthusiasm grows into loyalty – Defender personalities often form an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations they’ve dedicated themselves to. Anything short of meeting their obligations with good, hard work fails their own expectations.

Good Practical Skills – The best part is, Defenders have the practical sense to actually do something with all this altruism. If mundane, routine tasks are what need to be done, Defenders can see the beauty and harmony that they create, because they know that it helps them to care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it.

shallowWater7547 May 3rd, 2021


You have a great personality and i really liked all your strengths and traits.

AdylynS May 3rd, 2021


Thank You!

I am sure you do to!

AdylynS March 19th, 2021


If anyone ever need support we all are here for you

optimisticDay8079 March 21st, 2021

I'm an INTJ-A i think

I found out that im 51% introverted 49% extroverted and its pretty accurate haha

some of my strenghts are being good at leader roles, being analytical and very pragmatic

Ahmed April 1st, 2021


Its nice to have such a balance between being introvert or extrovert

Your strength traits seem awesome way to go for you ^^

herealways27 April 5th, 2021


Hey wow I thought we're pretty close there, I'm an ISTJ! It's so nice having such a nice balance between being an introvert and extrovert, mine is like 80% introvert !

WynterRose April 6th, 2021


Really refreshing to hear about another INTJ-A! I also got those results and the same introvert/extrovert percentage

WynterRose April 6th, 2021


Actually reversed the percentage lol for me I'm 51% extrovert, 49% introvert. Such a close percentage so I misread them reading yours as the same as mine and got excited! Still pretty close

MarleyR April 18th, 2021

@optimisticDay8079 Those are good qualities. I also tend to be analytical which can be really helpful.

FeatherIce25 April 23rd, 2021


This sounds amazing!