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PL 101: Introduce Yourself! (Discussion 1)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Welcome to our first course in the Leadership Development Program! I am very excited to get this going. This has been something we've wanted to do for the last several months and at long last it is here. Please find the course description below. Please also introduce yourself and let us (if comfortable) where you are from and a recent book or movie you have enjoyed. I'll get us started!

Course Description: You have personal gifts and strengths that can help you in life and also help other people. Identifying, amplifying, and deliberately building those strengths enables you to have a better personal life, professional life, and also enables you to more effectively serve others in our community. People sometimes make the mistake of focusing too much on their weaknesses. This can help, but deliberately building your strengths will get you much further in life and in your career. This course provides links to personality testing (MBTI, Big 5) where you can learn to identify your personality style and strengths. It helps you understand how to match your strengths to roles in the 7 Cups community and enables you to find a career path that will be fulfilling. Join other new leaders in individual and group learning exercises.

Please note: In order to successfully complete the LDP, you must respond to all discussion posts. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

DigitalKnight May 9th, 2021


Hello there! I am Megan from Houston, I just recently joined the LDP and glad to be here. A recent book i read is "Into the Water" by Paula Hawkins. If anyone is into Thriller, Fiction and Mystery, I recommend it for you. Again, have a great day everyone :)

Ethan May 10th, 2021

@DigitalKnight Hey Megan, welcome to the LDP. I love Thriller and all things mystery so I'll definitely add it to my reading list!

Ethan May 10th, 2021

Hi! I'm Ethan and I'm from the UK. I recently started reading "How Psychology Works - Applied Psychology visually explained" to learn some of the basics and refresh previous knowledge.

gentleLove04 May 10th, 2021

I'm LaCayla, I am from PA.

gentleLove04 May 10th, 2021

Hey, i am LaCayla, I am from Pennsylvania. A recent show I watched is a show called Grimm

May 10th, 2021

Hi everyone! I’m richuyulin, or Lin for short. You’re more than welcome to call me by any other nicknames as long as I know you’re referring to me. I’m from Canada. A recent book I’ve enjoyed would be The Zero Game by Brad Meltzer. A recent movie I enjoyed would be An American Girl: Grace Stirs Up Success.

JJ1190 May 11th, 2021

Hellooo everyone,

I am from Malaysia, and I am going to plan to fly back to Spain for my degree. It is nice to travel to a country far away from my home and meet more new friends. Is great to meet you guys. Thank youuu.

LovetoGod May 11th, 2021


Heya. I am from India🇮🇳. I don't use to watch movies too much. Moreover, I don't read books too but yeh I am thinking to develop habit of reading books as it's very good utilization of time and it provides us knowledge too. But I would say I read my school textbook haha and recently I was reading about political science.

lueurspace May 11th, 2021

Hello all! I am lueur. I go by lu or space. I am from India! A recent book that I've read is Atomic Habits by James Clear. I have heard a lot of praise for it so it was lovely to finally get around to reading it myself. I really enjoyed it and it provided me with a lot of insights! I have not really watched any movies recently, but I am currently watching new episodes of My Hero Academia!

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

peacefulIris56 June 6th, 2021

@lueurspace I am glad that you are enjoying these parts of your journey.

unique73 June 21st, 2021

Hey there luer, Atomic Habits is a great book and I personally find it very insightful and inspiring, glad you liked it! Also, My Hero Academia sounds like a great show!

Equinox56 June 24th, 2021

HI Lou. I joined this week, looking forward to getting more involved

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


Hello! I am Andy. It is really nice to meet you!

DeidraHebron June 24th, 2021

Hello! My name is Deidra. I am from Calgary Alberta and the book I am currently reading is power of full engagement. It is so beneficial for learning to become for capable physically, emotionally mentally and stable. Not a big fan of movies - more so into reading!!

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@lueurspace hi lu i see you're a fellow anime fan hehe

May 17th, 2021

Hi, I am fristo, and I recently enjoyed going through the contents of Community Building Course, it had some valuable insights for me on building community. Glad to be a part of this education place - educating us the practical ways to be more humane!

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021

@Fristo Yes. Being humane is so important I am glad that we have a safe environment that supports it. I am glad to hear that you are glad to be a part of this education place.

StargirlTina June 1st, 2021

@GlenM Hey there! I hope you're doing good.. I'm Tina, a teen from India, and I've been a part of 7cups since October of 2020.. It's been wonderful! It gives me hope in these trying times..😊 My hobbies are singing, painting, writing, reading and just listening to music..

Loads of love and strength to you 🧡

Brinaa101 June 1st, 2021

Hi everyone! My name is Brina and I am from the US :) My hobbies include drawing, reading fiction books, and listening to music. When I'm older, I want to pursue something in the psychology field, which is why I love 7 cups because it allows me to gain some valuable experience!

peacefulIris56 June 6th, 2021

@Brinaa101 Welcome. I am glad that you have found 7cups and that you are looking to pursue the psychology field. You will gain a lot of experience on this platform as you interact with it.

lolasam June 7th, 2021


Hey there! I am Sam, nice to meet you all! I am currently rewatching Grey's Anatomy - my classic go-to show. I am currently reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. laugh

lolasam June 7th, 2021


I forgot to mention I am from New York!

greatfulSmiles6152 June 7th, 2021


Hello! I'm Smiles and I'm from Toronto, Canada. A movie I have watched recently is Spiderman: Far From Home!

loveagape June 14th, 2021

Recently, I been reading many different kind of books while at home waiting for COVID-19 to end soon. I love bible, fiction, table games.

DeidraHebron June 16th, 2021


Hello! My name is Deidra and I am from Calgary, Alberta! A recent book I've read is The Power of Full Engagement. This book has been amazing in the sense that it helps people learn how to reach full capacity emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

peacefulIris56 June 16th, 2021

@DeidraHebron Thank you for sharing.

healingWhisper June 20th, 2021

Hello, I'm healingWhisper and I'm coming from a small European country Slovenia :) I am currently reading Girlboss and I do recommend this book it's really good. smiley

BecauseImBatman22 June 20th, 2021

I am Batman and I'm from India. I'm here to finish this course because I'd really love to build my leadership skills and I'm positive that this course will help me do just that.
A recent book that I've enjoyed is 'Quiet' by Susan Cain and a recent movie that I've enjoyed is The Dark Knight, because I just keep watching that movie on repeat :)

unique73 June 21st, 2021

Hello Batman, nice to meet you. I am glad you're taking this opportunity to grow, build your skills, and love your positive attitude! Also Quiet by Susan Cain is a great book, I have read it quite a few times and love the insights and lessons of this book!

BecauseImBatman22 June 21st, 2021

I'm glad you love the book Unique :D, loved the insights and lessons too!

ResilientLucky June 23rd, 2021


Hello Batman! Glad to meet you. I also loved The Dark Knight. It's one of the few movies that I have also watched on repeat.

FlourishingDimensions June 20th, 2021

Hello! I am FlourishingDimsensions, I go by Flo, Flourishing, Flourish, FD, :D Any of them really.
I am from the US. I am currently diving into, 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'.
I am thankful for all of these growing opportunities here on 7 Cups and I look forward to diving into this!

unique73 June 21st, 2021


Hello flourishing, hope you're doing well ! Glad you're taking part in these programmes and learning, and yes agreed, this community provides a lot of opportunity to learn and enhance our skills in many ways.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, sounds like a great book, have heard a lot about it, gonna read it someday, glad you enjoyed it!

FlourishingDimensions June 22nd, 2021

@unique73 Hi there :) Thank you for the kind words! Happy to see you here as well!

ResilientLucky June 23rd, 2021


Hello Flo!

Looking forward to learning, grow, and graduate together.

FlourishingDimensions June 28th, 2021

@ResilientLucky Hi there! Nice to meet you, too :) I am looking forward to graduating with you as well!

JoyfulMovement September 8th, 2021

Ah the Coveys, it's a good stream to read - I had to read the Highly Effective Students while in highschool - hope you enjoy the 'grown-ups' version :D

unique73 June 21st, 2021
Hello! I am unique73, I go by uni/unique, I am a listener on 7cups, and aim to learn and explore more by taking part in this programme. I am from India! I am currently reading the book " The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" , I just started this book last night and I am enjoying reading this book, it is a great book and seems to be very much inspiring.
ResilientLucky June 23rd, 2021


Hello Unique! Happy to meet you here on 7cups. I, too, am from India. I read a lot of books, but this one is untouched. I will give it a try. Also, looking forward to learning, grow, and graduate together. :)

unique73 June 24th, 2021

@ResilientLucky Nice to meet you too!
best wishes!❤