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[OUTDATED] Are you new to the Leadership Development Program? Introduce yourself here!

Heather225 September 9th, 2020

Click here to Introduce Yourself 

Say hello!

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

What excites you about taking this course?

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Heartsandrosesandpaws April 8th, 2023

Good luck with the program

Heart4art April 12th, 2023

@Heather225 I am in the April group. I'm excited to go though this training, because I've written essays on leadership in college so it is an interesting topic to me. However, getting practical experience and skills training is what is most useful and transferable to other jobs and experiences.

Heartsandrosesandpaws April 13th, 2023


I hope you will. Like the program and good luck,

spedolivia April 13th, 2023


i'm in the April cohort.

i'm looking for ways to become more of a leader in more ways than one & work on areas that i may not be as good at as certain things that i'm better with.

Heartsandrosesandpaws April 13th, 2023


I hope u will learn. A lot and good luck with becoming a leader

April 21st, 2023


What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

April cohort! 😄

What excites you about taking this course?

I'm excited to brush up on my knowledge on leadership skills. Looking to graduate the program with honors this time around. I did the program in 2021 without honors.


jadenrjc7 April 27th, 2023


What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

I'm in the May group!

What excites you about taking this course?

Building leadership skills :)

Smrtbibliophile May 2nd, 2023

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

I'm in the May group

What excites you about taking this course?

I am excited about learning and taking my knowledge to help the community here at 7 cups!

Foreigner419 May 6th, 2023


Hello Heather,

Thank you for accepting me in this May Group.

What excites me about this new step is to learn about how to become a better leader and acknowledge new ideas. Hopefully, I can pass on what I learn here in my day job as well. Good luck to everyone taking this course of LDP in the 7cups Academy.

MagnificentSunrise May 10th, 2023

I joined in May 2023.

I am excited about learning more about leadership. I am a leader and am confident about what I am doing. But we can all get better and I love learning! 😊

Heartsandrosesandpaws May 13th, 2023


i wish you all the best with the ldp

Nvlmi May 10th, 2023

I joined the Month of May 2023.

I am excited to join the course inorder to improve in areas of leadership and to take on a leadership role in the 7 Cups Community.

I appreciate the opportunity to join and learn with others in the program!

Heartsandrosesandpaws May 13th, 2023


good luck with ldp

Paviix May 13th, 2023


hello guys I am new here! Wanted to say thank you for supporting people xx

SanityPromoter159 May 19th, 2023


Hello everyone, I am a listener here since Nov 2, 2021

What excites you about taking this course? I am excited because this may help me identify my skills in areas such as problem-solving, decision-making, communication, and creativity.

✒️ What is your personality type? ESTP

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself? I usually have a lot of energy and am quite action-oriented, savvy negotiating whatever is in front of me. I enjoy exploring chances in life, whether they include interacting with others or more introspective endeavors.

✒️Words of encouragement. Leaders instill hope for success and confidence in those who follow them. Positive leaders inspire others to achieve their goals.
Heartsandrosesandpaws May 27th, 2023


good luck with your journey in ldp

AnnaSilverberg May 27th, 2023

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

I'm in the end of May group

What excites you about taking this course?

I look forwards to be able to learn new skills, to be able to strengthen skills that I have.
To be able to use my knowledge in my leadership role and if I take on more roles.
I also want to be able to share my knowledge when I support listener in their journey.

Heartsandrosesandpaws May 27th, 2023


good luck with your journey in ldp

Mahad2804 June 12th, 2023

I joined in June

The most exciting thing for me is all the skills I will learn to be a better leader and the opportunities it will give me to grow as a listener and as a person.

RosaHere June 15th, 2023

@Heather225 Hello! I just joined, so June cohort!

I'm excited to improve my leadership skills! <3

Heather225 OP June 16th, 2023


woohoo!! good for you for taking the step to leveling up! hope you enjoy the course!

RosaHere June 16th, 2023

@Heather225 Thank you! ❤️

Jenna June 19th, 2023

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)? - Month of June!

What excites you about taking this course? - I'm excited to try something new and learn new things. I am excited to apply something to my life that can be used anywhere. I am thrilled to join something I think would benefit me and give me something new to do.

Gilbird June 23rd, 2023


Hi, my name is Gilbert, and I'm in the June cohort. I'm excited about learning how to better share my experience and knowledge as a listener, and improving group support forums/chats here on 7 cups!

betty212 July 10th, 2023

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

I am the July group

What excites you about taking this course?

I am excited to enhance my skills, learn new things and be a better person

pandanfe July 29th, 2023

Hello everyone,

I'm pandanfe and i'm giving my shot for two-week trial for LPD. Hope to get through it :P

DisLifeNot July 31st, 2023


Hello and nice to meet you, you can call me Dis and I've just joined the LDP!

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

I am in the July group :)

What excites you about taking this course?

I'd love to learn my leadership style and apply it here on 7cups!

warmheartedCamp3360 July 31st, 2023


Hello there!! I'm mit🧁 and Glad to a be a part of this.

1. July 31st

2. To learn things which would improve my personality and skill.

Heartsandrosesandpaws August 27th, 2023


good luck with program

LightsFromDark August 25th, 2023

I'm in the August group. I am excited to learn how to be a leader and how to best influence others

LoveMyMoonflowers August 25th, 2023

hello there! my name is ni and i'm vv happy to be here 💕

what month did you join?

i've joined in the wonderful month of august! 💙

what excites you about taking this course?

i am excited to learn more about myself and my leadership style 💜 i am also looking forward to becoming a better leader and a better person in general 💙

warmheartedCamp3360 August 26th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers welcome ni

Heartsandrosesandpaws August 27th, 2023


good luck with ldp

LOOPHOLE August 27th, 2023


I joined in May 2023

I'm excited about the ways that I would explore to become a leader here . Leadership has always intrigued me so it will help me to understand it on a deeper level .

SilverSeastar September 25th, 2023

Hello, I'm Silver!

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

September 2023 💙

What excites you about taking this course?

I'm excited to learn more about myself and about leadership to become a more effective leader in my communities, both on and outside of 7 Cups.

Grace3012 September 25th, 2023


I joined in the month of September!

Just being able to improve myself and make the community a better place makes me excited for this program!

bestBraveheart57 October 8th, 2023


Hello, I am Brave

I join on October 2023 cohort.

It was refreshing to connect with myself. Who am I. The good and the bad as part of my complete personality. Also to turn it into something I can contribute to the world.

8grim8 October 16th, 2023

What cohort group are you (what month did you join)?

October, 2023

What excites you about taking this course?

A few things, really. I am interested in taking part in this because I thought it would be a good way to expand my knowledge on myself and 7cups:)
Shannon1996 October 30th, 2023

@Heather225 Hello! I'm Shay and I've joined the leadership programme today. I'm really looking forward to broadening my knowledge so I can help others to a higher standard :)

ChillingRain November 6th, 2023

@Heather225 Hello! My name is Rain. 🖤🌧️ You may have come across me in LSR. I am in the November cohort group. I am most excited about gaining new leadership skills so that I can contribute to the teams I'm part in better!