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trans-typal transition goals

User Profile: camo303xvp
camo303xvp 21 hours ago

Reddit starter pack memes are so based, reminders of how cringe it is to think that being depressed is cool, and that MBTI/enneagram means nothing.

an FTM one "transition goals is either a literal viking or an androgynous fairy prince" hit hard (I want to be the latter so much, but I hate the stereotype I have of FTM people with short hair so I prefer to have longer messier hair, no wonder I identify with Snufkin so much)

stumbling upon the ones my younger self made is so cringe

Im so jealous of the philosophical people yet at the same time beating myself up (feeling like my younger self basically) for thinking its "cool" to have an existential crisis

the kind of distress BDD people get over their physical appearance except it's over my own personality. E.g.
the more introverted I am the better I feel about myself
the more philosophical I am the better I feel about myself
the more logical I am the better I feel about myself
the less attentive I am the better I feel about myself
the less materialistic I am the better I feel about myself
its been this way for years, like the more someone else dissociates the wittier someone else is the less of a social battery someone else has etc the more I'm jealous of them