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I suck

hi66666 September 7th

i  just wanted to write this because i want to let out how  feel

 I'm a horrible person I always am on the computer and i was a drama queen when I was little i cried at little things and if didn't get what i knew you were thinking but also hit sisters when they were rude to me and am mean to people and boys at  constantly make fun of me and all best friends moved  and I'll never see them again some was rude to and driver because i didn't how be good cause before the people at my old school made fun of me and my was mean to but m and other friend builled me. i also bullied a girl in my preschool because i was popular  but i feel like everything s my fault i know I'm a bad person hate me if u want but i already hated  enough 

hi66666 OP September 7th

and my parents they always insult me and the always think their helping but they are just hurting me.

BlueSoul2290 September 7th


Hey, I'm really sorry you're feeling like this. I know it sucks to feel like you've messed up, but please don't be too hard on yourself.  Maybe you could try to apologize to the girl you bullied. and  if you can't, just feeling bad about it shows that you're a good person. 

and I get it. It's tough being around negativity and rudeness. It's easy to react in kind,  However, it's important to strive to be better than those who have hurt you. Not everyone deserves to be treated poorly, especially those who have done nothing to harm you

At the end we all make mistakes, you know? It's part of being human. But that doesn't mean we have to be okay with it. But when we make a mistake we can try to make things right by apologizing if we can that and keep trying to be a better person.