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what's the point?

User Profile: lavenderPond3109
lavenderPond3109 February 25th, 2022

i feel like a jumble of messes and i'm not sure what the point of life is? everything just feels like work and i don't want to do anything but i'm also bored out of my mind and i don't think I'm depressed cause I haven't been feeling sad all the time and I still laugh a lot and I'm definitely not considering suicide or self harm or anything. But also whenever I'm about to do something I don't have to I start wondering what the point of it is and if it's worth it and then I get inside my head about it and it doesn't make me happy so why do it, uk? and of course if nothing makes me happy then I just end up wasting my life away and that's just asking for depression. also being around people stresses me out and not being around people makes me depressed lol it feels like there's no good solution to this

anyways, thoughts? tips? idk

User Profile: RainbowRosie
RainbowRosie February 25th, 2022

Hi there,

Thanks for connecting. My name is Rosie.

You do sound like you have a lot going off in your head right now. You said you are ‘bored out of your mind right now’, can I ask if this is work or life related?

When we feel like this I know it can drain us and make us feel like there is no solution.

1 reply
User Profile: lavenderPond3109
lavenderPond3109 OP February 25th, 2022

@RainbowRosie Hi Rosie, thanks for reaching out. It's most probably life related as it just feels like I'm living the same week over and over again, which my job probably plays a part in but isn't the reason for. And whenever I try something new like sewing or making music, it feels like more work than it's worth for not-great results (since I'm a beginner), which kind of defeats the purpose of doing it.

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