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just a few things that feels very close and important to me

BojackBukowski October 16th, 2022

"i dont understand how its amazing to me how people wake up every morning and say "yeah another day lets do it" how do people do it? i dont know"
"its so sad that when you see someone for who they really are it ruins them"
all three were from bojack horseman

"you were born broken thats your birthright. and now you can fill your life with projects and your movies and your books and your little girlfriends but that wont make you whole. you are bojack horseman theres no cure for that"
this one is from beatrice horseman, bojacks mom

the truth is some clouds dont have silver lining and wanting to help and care only lasts so long, one day you are gonna look around and see you are truly alone. nobody really likes a broken toy even if they want to play with it for a little while out of pity.

Optimisticempath October 16th, 2022


They hit so close specially the first one :') admirable how some people really do look forward to another day while the rest of us just think to ourselves "ah shit here we go again" Lol 😶