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Tired Man Corner

calmWatermelon413 June 19th, 2022

I have been suffering from anxiety and other feelings for a while. I think keeping a diary might help me see how things progress if any.

These are interlinked, in that I feel that my past mistakes make my present and future situation bleak, but I have tried to split them up so that it is easier to understand.

I feel sadness and regret because I feel I have wasted a lot of time and money until now, and did not apply myself to develop a skill, to learn something in depth, or strengthen one of my weak-points such as maths, or apply myself in any other way that would have given me now a better chance or place in life.

I feel loneliness because I don’t have more close friends, people that I can depend on if things become dire. It is just me. Also because I don’t have a significant other, and I don’t feel like I bring much to the table. A lot of the women around my age are in a batter place in life and most still want children, which I don’t, so I can’t find anyone.

I feel fear and anxiety keenly, because I don’t feel like I have much control of the future. I feel unskilled and when I lose my current job I won’t have another income that will cover my mother’s needs. As an only child to single parent, the entire responsibility falls on me and I fear that if she falls sick I won’t be able to care or provide for her. I fear falling sick, getting injured at work, or that my anxiety, stress and depression will render me unable to work, or to be a burden to my mother in any other way, either caring for me or having to work.

I am angry at myself for all my past mistakes. I am angry that I let myself gain weight and now I feel that one of the few things I had going for me is gone. I am angry at myself for spending so much money and time in video games. I am angry at myself for spending so much money in food delivery during covid, more than anyone else I know. I am angry at myself for not doing what I said I was going to do 10 years ago, learn programming or learn to draw even as hobbies. I have to start now from zero and have a lot less time. I am angry at myself for comparing myself to other, and to continue doing so, because I know it makes things worse.

I am tired of everything.

calmWatermelon413 OP June 19th, 2022

Today I woke up with my anxiety flared up. I came to 7 cups, but it doesn't help much because what I am looking for is basically a miracle: Someone that will assure me my mother will be taken care of, no matter what happens to me. I would if my mother and I lived in those country with Universal healthcare and support, but we don't and we are too old to migrate, and is not like they would just take me, without any skills and at my age of 40.

And no one is going to assure me that they will care for my mother if I am gone. So it is all on me.

If I were very rich, all my problems would go away. I could set up funds for her care, hire lawyers, do the whole thing. But I am not, because I am an idiot, who made bad choices in life and now cannot (and should not take risks).

I would like to talk about certain things, but I think it would get my account flagged here. or this post removed.

I try a lot of things to fight my anxiety, from what I consume to my sleep to meditation, but I do't think is working.