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The News is Depressing

GnomedBinary January 31st

So over the past few months, I've been trying to find a reason to watch the news - of all things. To "know whats going on in the world." as my mom puts it.
Problem is, every time I tune into any large network like CBC, CNN or others - they're always reporting on the most depressing things possible. From the war in Ukraine, to covid - to other disasters.

Once in a blue moon, they'll report on some charity or local business - something interesting.
But then, as soon as its over - its right back to being depressing.
Can we not have a network that focuses on the good things happening in the world? Why do I have to resort to Reddit or other social media to find some positivity.

If anyone is battling depression, don't watch the news as frequently - trust me. The less you consume mainstream media, the better your mood will be.


slowdecline48 January 31st

@GnomedBinary That is not new... Before the Interview Era when we had a real newspaper industry, editors had a saying: "if it bleeds, it leads". Tragedy & scandal are what gets the viewers, what glues their eyeballs to the screen, & what drive the ratings.