A thread for my twin, @TacoSaturn, who is aging up ЁЯТЬ
Tagging some friends: @ALovelyFriend @agreeableGlobe340 @Kara13V @RoweeRainn123
Feel free to tag others!
@tac0belle @TacoSaturn *noms* yay
Hey :O *noms back* hehe
@TacoSaturn hehe I'm brocali I'm yuck!
Can't avoid me nomming! I love brocali
*noms broccolia* hehe ЁЯШЫ
@tac0belle smh!
Yayyy thread!
Hello twin and everyone tagged
@tac0belle both tacos will be missed :') you are both amazing ЁЯШАЁЯТЬ
I'll miss you too
I have to head off and do my homework. See you all soon, take care
@TacoSaturn cya soon
@tac0belle @TacoSaturn
Guess whot....
*surprise noms*
Oh no :0 *takes a small nom of @Kara13V*
*spits taco out*
ok give me back piece of me now, i gave u back :D lol
I- ЁЯШн now IтАЩm covered in spittttt
*regurgitates Kara* IтАЩll return a cleaned piece of you ЁЯШМтЭдя╕П
saturn! hi!
Heya, how are you doing
@TacoSaturn :0 u respoded omg!! heheh im good hru
quick question can i nom u
Oh noooooooo *runs from noms*
I'm ok, just very busy with a lot of work so I'm not around much. I'll be on more once I'm done.
@TacoSaturn awwh ((:
Good luck with your work @TacoSaturn! *protects from noms and chomps*
@tac0belle chomps belleybutton :D
I'm so sorry I haven't been around. I've been busy and haven't been in the mood to be on here. I will make the effort to jump on every day over the next 7 days before I move up
How are you all doing?
Hello hello, no need to apologize тЭдя╕П I have been the same way lately, especially this week. Alright, as long as you feel up to doing that (: I hope that things are less busy now or will become easier to manage soon тЭдя╕П
Everythings fine for now. Although I have school starting for the term in 4 days so I won't be on much. It's only my first week back after a 2 week break so I should be fine jumping on after school. How are you?
Won't be on much as in. throughout the day in my timezone.* After school should be flexible as it's only my first week back
@TacoSaturn oo I see, IтАЩm also on break from school currently but jumping right into AP and college exams next week plus IтАЩm behind on a lot of work :,) Honestly, IтАЩm not doing that great, and IтАЩve been on an unofficial self care break from 1-1 member chats for the past few days. But hey IтАЩm hanging in there! Good luck with school in a few days ЁЯШотЭдя╕П IтАЩll keep an eye out for you then in case I catch you when youтАЩre on cups (:
That must be quite stressful being behind and having exams next week. Hopefully things will improve for you soon, it's understandable to be under a lot of stress at this time. I finish school around 3:00pm (my timezone NZST) but I'm on anytime between then and my bedtime. Look after yourself and good luck with school, do the best you can even if the result isn't what you expected, you're trying and that's what matters.
Hello everyone!
I miss you all, aged up about 5 days ago. I hope you're all well and looking after yourselfs
Taco twinnnnnnn happy late birthday!!!! Sending optional hugs, food of your choice, and dessert of your choice ЁЯШАтЭдя╕П how are you and how does it feel to be on the adult side both on and off cups? (: тЭдя╕П
ooo happy late birthday saturn!! teenies will miss ya!ЁЯе║ЁЯТЬЁЯТЬ goodluck on adult side! ЁЯШАЁЯТЬ