Soul searching in 2021
Anxiety and a quarter life crisis.
Deciding to put my thoughts somewhere since I also started journalling everyday. Felt that I could try it out as a form of release and maybe people on the forum may resonate or find some comfort.
Some background of why I'm on 7 cups was basically me looking for a way to reduce the anxiety I find myself facing almost everyday. Now I'm wondering if I always was an anxiety ridden person and it became more apparent when I came to the conclusion that I could no longer deal with it on my own anymore.
I left my job in public accounting/audit for an accountant postion pretty recently (2 months ago). I was never really happy there and the dissatisfaction started to build as more time went by. I started to have doubts about why I was just continuing to work without feeling any sort of will to continue anymore. It was getting harder to feel happy or satisfied even if I completed a task. Why do I even work overtime for people who don't care about me? Why do I work so hard when I don't really have any drive to have a career?
So I left my job for a new one that offered me some stability and a pretty reasonable pay although it does get busy around the start of every month.
At first I felt ok, the nerves and the jitters were to be expected. Everything was new and we are all working from home due to the pandemic. After the 2nd month, the anxiety decided to settle for a more permanent position in my life. I wake up every Monday - Friday with a racing heart and dry heaving. I spend the rest of the day quietly performing my tasks but the anxiety never abates completely. I spent more time hiding in my phone and overall just feeling really meh. I just keep waiting for the end of the day but feeling horrible that I can't seem to find any release of anxiety regardless. This was when I finally realised, well...looks like something is really wrong. I still feel purposeless, I still feel like I'm using up so much of my life for work that I will never care for.
Deciding to reach out to a therapist was pretty hard too and waiting for therapy, even harder. After my first session, I was asked about my purpose with my career. And I just....realised I can't answer this question. I never loved accounting and never felt much passion for any subject at school. Oh i did well academically anyway but left school and university with no love for any subject in particular.
All I wanted was to have a stable, happy, simple life. i didn't need to be a millionaire or a CEO. I just want to be happy. I just wanted peace. I thought I could do that by spending my time on things I did like outside of work.
But life isn't ever that it?.... And so this is where I'm deciding to start my soul searching...
Maybe I will never like this new job but I'm willing to stick it out for a year to learn what I can and that's ok. Maybe I end up not being able to stick it out and that's ok.
I just started therapy, I just started trying to be better. Its probably too soon to look for any results.... and that's ok. Keep going, keep learning and be kind to myself.
Stick to my exercise plan and I might not be able to keep up with it everyday. Hey that's ok.
Journal everyday and reduce using my phone as a coping tool. Spend time learning how to live my life more purposefully. That's definately not going to be easy but I can do hard things. I might falter some days and that's also ok.
Goodnight world. It'll still be a beautiful day to do hard things tomorrow too.
23/3 Im still figuring out how to not be anxious in the morning...its tiring to just be waking up worried for no reason all the time. 😔
Been a somewhat ok continues to be hard to pull myself together in the morning but once I do its not so bad. I still tend to put off some of the things I need to do but I think I'm getting better about it??? day at a time.
I'm going to try looking at the career survey my therapist sent ytd and think about my answers again before sending it. I am pretty curious what its going to say about me though.
I do wonder why im still so conflicted about this job. I feel that its mainly because Im angry that i still spend a significant portion of my time doing smtg that I will never really love. I can do it sure...but i dont think ive found something else to be passionate about outside my work just yet. Life is overall still pretty bland and i dont feel I am living it to the fullest.
Or maybe Im just impatient and not letting myself take the time to actually absorb and take my time with everything.
I feel its can be hard for me to cope in between sessions, there is still a general feeling of being lost or "what should I do now about my anxiety" lingering in the back of my mind all the time. So although i am pretty calm most of the time now, there is still an unsettled feeling everyday. I'll try to bring this up with Gia.
K thats goodnight for me today...thanks for listening and bye everyone.
Haven't been back here in a couple of weeks but hi there is anyone comes across this :)
Just taking some time out of my day to put my thoughts down again since I've neglected that a liitle. I'm going to try change up my routine a little to try journalling more in the mornings as part of my morning routine rather than at night. My therapist has given me some homework to try putting down my thoughts, feelings and actions everyday so I guess thats a great place to start.
Had some up and downs, work is as hectic as ever but I'm trying to learn not to dwell so much on it anymore. Most of my worries stem from the fact that I can't stop thinking about all the things I have to do even after I stop working. i still feel pretty blue during the day since I'm not really enjoying or finding meaing in my career. I don't really know if I am capable of sticking it out in corporate or if i should make a career change. That;s a pretty big decision and one I'm really dreading to make. In the event I can't get past this hurdle in life, I may just have to do that. The next problem is honestly just finding what else I want to do. I really dont have a passion nor do I have a special talent......
i started going on medication for my anxiety but that wasnt a call made by my therapist. I found out I have a thyroid hormone disorder that was contributing to my anxiety and depression. Ngl the medication really does make a world of difference. I am not as tired as I used to be and more in control of my anxiety. The worries are still there but at least the pain of the symptoms is gone. I know this is just a temporary fix but i guess its a step in the right direction since now Im getting help both physically and mentally.
Thats all my updates for now ~ Peace out whoever is reading this and I hope you guys are starting on your journey to get better too.