My Diary Entry (open to replies and anyone can read)
I met this guy online, very nice, I felt very comfortable with him which is new for me because of an event that happened a couple years ago. We decided to meet in person and go on a date. I thought it went great, we hit it off, he has always said my personality is a 10. When I got home he texted me saying that I was too heavy for him to date. That really made me feel sad. It is important to note that being rejected because of my size is one of my biggest fears, so it actually happening has shaken me up. He said we can still be friends, I just don't know how that will work if I always feel not good enough for him, ya know?
If it was me, that would make me consider changing my lifestyle and try to loose weight weekly to get to my target weight.
I actually did just that many years ago. But not because someone was rude to me. I just decided my weight had crept up over the years and I decided it would be better to get rid of it. I had read that the safe limit to lose was 1 lb per week max, so that was my goal.
It was all a spur-of-the-moment decision actually.
After deciding, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But I did it scientifically with food changes and meal plans and sips of water now and then.
Exercise really didn't make a big impact, though being in shape helped. I walked after eating usually. That's supposed to help.
It was mainly food changes and grocery list changes that made it happen. I cut out all the bad foods and replaced them with good foods. I also limited portions. Measured portions when needed. I only ate food per my meal plans. I tracked my calories and nutrition with I was eating right and limiting my calories enough to lose 1 lb per week.
One year later, I was a lot lighter and the weight stayed off to this day many years later.
If you want any insights, let me know. That might be the ultimate fix to your problems.
The above things are just ideas, not recommendations.
Please forgive any typos above.
Thank you for your response! I had been losing weight before the virus caused everything to be online. I was involved with theater at school so there was a lot of physical activity. I do have medical conditions that prevent easy weight loss, though. For example, my freshman year I was involved in marching band which is heavy on physical activity and I was gaining weight very fast, unhealthily fast, when I should have been losing weight. Even if I was gaining muscle, my doctor was concerned which is what led to my medical condition being discovered.
I am guessing you are on the younger side which is a gift. Dont waste it on some baphoon who cant see how beautiful you are. A true beauty is not a woman who is stick thin, and all the other ideas society has marketed to women to believe. A true beauty is one who stands up for what she believes in is kind and loving to those around her and to herself, and she is confident in who she is as a person. It is your light from the inside that shines out. Yes self care is important, and maintaining a healthy weight should be done for yourself, your health and how it makes you feel not what others think about you. But please dont let this mans disrespect towards you shake your confidence in yourself and who you are. You are a beautiful woman and you deserve to find a partner who is worthy of your time not the other way around honey. You are the prize dont forget that. I would handle his friend request with class and honor your feelings. If you feel there is no potential for a future with this man, and you honestly dont care if you see him again then just tell him the truth that you dont desire a friendship with him, and wish him well. If you do actually want to be his friend then I would tell him honestly that this comment hurt you, and perhaps you two can talk through your feelings. However, if you cant be honest with him about that then is this relationship really a friendship? But overall do what you feel is best for yourself, but just remember your all 10 honey not just your personality, and this is 1 mans opinion out of millions of millions of men. His opinion is like a drop of water in the ocean or a pebble of sand on the beach. Dont give it a power it doesnt have. Love yourself for who you are not what others expect you to be, and your fears on these types of things will gently subside. Much love.