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Moving On

bravestwarrior April 19th, 2015

(So here's some of my thoughts on the person I had a crush on who turned out to be dating someone else. When I heard that, I felt like I lost a part of myself. So to move on, I've sort of made a 'goodbye' letter for him... Or at least, trying to part ways with my feelings towards him.)


Thank you for inspiring me to become a better person. You made me realize that I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life.

You made me feel like my anxiety and depression wouldn't consume me, and that I could get better one day. You made me feel so brave, to the point where I was taking risks I never took before.

I wanna say thanks for all the times you made me feel acknowledged. For once in my life, I felt like somebody understood me, like somebody could actually care about me. You made me feel like I wasn't alone. I actually wanted to open up to people for once and let them into my life. I wanted to make you proud.

I'm sorry that it took me so long to decide to tell you how I felt. I finally managed to feel brave enough to tell you, only for it to be revealed that you already had a girlfriend. After I found out you were dating someone else, I guess I was crushed? I guess I just thought I'd found someone who could love me.

I'm so sorry. My regrets are not being braver, not being strong or confident enough to have said something sooner, as well as not getting to know you sooner. The one thing I don't regret(no matter how much I tell myself otherwise) was meeting you.

So again, thank you. I don't know if I loved you, but I know I did love you for making me feel better, even if it was only for a little while. I don't think anybody's ever made me feel that way. It did hurt (and it still does) when I found out you were dating someone else and going to Europe for college. But I know it's not your fault. If anything, I just want you to be happy. If that means dating someone else, or moving to another continent, then so be it.

Thanks for inspiring me to grow as a person. I hope we can keep being friends in the future.

theempatheticear April 19th, 2015


sensitiveSquare8608 April 24th, 2015

Hi there, so I have a best male friend who is married and last summer I was involved with someone whom I am not with no more. So my "bestie" and I talk a lot and text and voice chats when he can. We walk our dogs together and within the past year we have gotten very very close. we were at a party and were drinking and when no one was around he kissed me and we continued all night. But what has been bothering me is that last summer we had been talking about leaving our spouses to be with each other because we love each other...he and his wife dont have any kids together so really he can leave if he wants. He had left her for a week back in October and that was a great time because I felt like for once in my life I was gonna be happy. Well...he ended up running back to his wife. I then decided to break up with my bf and have been single since and not dating anyone...the problem is, is that im in love with him badly! We had plans to be with one another and he tells me he loves me and misses me when we text and talk...hes always initiating hugs and flirts still and to be honest I feel he sometimes wishes for a way out but says hes happy...he also says that hes afraid of change and he is scared to be alone and pretty much settled with his wife. He seems to go back and forth with his feelings with what he wants and says hes happy when hes prob not...its a mutual feeling what we have for one another....I dont know what to and I told him he hurt me since he promised me things and didnt keep them...wish I could understand more... Anonymous