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I think I suffer from dissociation.

User Profile: FutureTeacher301
FutureTeacher301 March 16th, 2022

Hello, everyone, I wanna spill the beans about something that happens to me since 2017.

It can happen to me anytime: maybe I am watching TV, walking down the street or even looking at a pillow, the fact is there are some visual/audible triggers that lead me to a weird mental state... Well, actually I don't know how to describe that moment.

Those triggers make me remember random things of the past -they could be both good and bad, those memories don't really hurt me at all, the problem is my brain really likes to make a connection between all those memories and then it "turns off"!!!

When my brain works a lot on those memories, I start feeling quite tired or dizzy, I don't really know, maybe just weak, and that's when my head "turns off", I mean, it goes blank for a few seconds and I really need to sit down and take a rest. The worst part is I forget for some seconds who/where I am, who is the people near me, and so on...

For example, last night I took my dog for a walk with my boyfriend and then another dog surprised us with a loud bark. For some reason, that triggered my mind to work on memories of the past and I asked my bf to stop because I knew I would have another episode. Luckily, he talked to me and I just took a rest to resume the walk some minutes later.

To be more specific, do you know how a stun grenade works? Well, practically that's what I feel when my brain turns off.

Do you think it is related with autism? I am in a low level, but I don't rule out the possibility.

User Profile: lucy2
lucy2 March 22nd, 2022

Hi @FutureTeacher301

Interesting post; I haven't heard of this before, but you're clearly finding it distressing, if that's so, maybe time to have a chat with a therapist or doctor, for more specific answers.

All the best
