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I'm Speechless

patientOcean5477 November 24th, 2019

I and my BF are in LDR. We missed each other a lot so we exchange stuffs. I love his smell so he gave me some small socks he "used" so that they got his smell a bit.

I love them and proudly wear them on my feet and they got his smell on it. My mom come to my place and saw those socks. She doesnt aware of our relationship, ofc about those socks. She washed all of them coz she thought those are dirty socks.

I'm speechless. What should i say? should i be angry to her? She even want to wear it and say "Look, this is so funny. You really wear this?"

Mom you washed them and then you mock them. I can't allow such things.

"Mom you're really going to wear it?"

"Ofc not, it looks silly"

Then she's off. Good.

I feel like wanting to cry now especially since i and my bf are fighting. I dunno if i should hate my mom coz she washed those or just cry.

vespxrs November 24th, 2019

@patientOcean5477 Hey, im really sorry about what happened with your mom and your bf. LDRs are hard, and so is trying to make your parents understand things that mean a lot to you but seem trivial to them. It's okay to feel however you feel - you shouldnt feel guilty for that. If you want to vent here, i'll listen.

patientOcean5477 OP November 24th, 2019

@natchoo for now pretty sure parents wont allow our relationship so we keep it secret. If mom know about those socks she will freak out so i dunno what to say. I was crying coz i and bf had an argument and had been silent each other and now i cant smell him anymore. Haha life is surely funny yet sad at the same time

vespxrs November 24th, 2019

@patientOcean5477 hey im really sorry about your fight with your bf. i really hope you guys work things out. im not sure what it was about, but maybe a little "hey i hope youre doing okay" can get the connection going again, and hopefully after some time passes you guys can talk through it with clearer minds. Idk, but in my experience, i wait a bit then say "hey i was thinking about you" and that kinda sets us off on a better foot again.

patientOcean5477 OP November 24th, 2019

@vespxrs many people suggest me to just wait. so thanks a lot. hope that i can get through this

TartRipeApples November 26th, 2019


Thats sweet and disapointing, but dont forget you have a wonderful mom thats really trying and i think you should give her hugs and if you think she wouldnt undetstand then dont tell her. Remember what ever shoes you wore while wearing those socks will still have that wonderful bf stinky feet smell from cross contamination🍎

patientOcean5477 OP November 26th, 2019

@TartRipeApples yes, that's why i dunno why should i say 😂 thanks for reminding me about those socks. i'll keep it in mind

TartRipeApples November 26th, 2019

Yea, she didnt know right? She was just being a great mom by the sound of it, and even tried to make you smile by being silly and putting them on. Id take those shoes i was wearing and take a few big whiffs lol🍎

Gotta see the love through the fog sometimes its been there all along but we miss it. Thats the stuff later in life that can become painfull regrets since hindsights is always 20/20. She sounds like a nice mom, and that should give you a very warm feeling in your heart. Hugs