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@Iamspoons and @Jefferythebunny319 and @Princetomyanxiety

Iamspoons April 24th, 2023

I'm gonna keep tagging @princetomyanxiety even though they never show up

Iamspoons OP June 6th, 2023


So I'm supposed to return my computer charger at the end of the year, but I don't have mine anymore. I think I lent it to someone and never got it back. But I'm cleaning my room anyway, because it'll be good for my health. Once I get all the laundry done. And the bookshelves organized.

AvyIsKing June 6th, 2023


Jeez I miss my books

My c h i l d r e n

Can you show me your books lmaoo

Also good luck

Iamspoons OP June 6th, 2023


I would send you pics, if I could, but I can't. This would be a great place to do like before and after things but I can't do pics.

I have a music suggestion for you. The grown ups, their nightlight album the next one isn't really music. The lead singer was my English teacher last year. They've got a nostalgic for the high school year kinda vibe, it's calm vibes and maybe also a quiet gut punch. They're great, go check it out.

Iamspoons OP June 8th, 2023

I found "my" computer charger. It was definitely in my locker/sarc I definitely didn't steal it from a teacher.

Iamspoons OP June 6th, 2023


This guy came up to me and asked me to look surprised, like 😱, so I did, although I was kinda suspicious.and then he made a motion like he was grinding a salt and pepper shaker in front of my mouth. He made it look I was *** his d!ck.

It was so stupidly funny, I just kinda 🤭 and started laughing. My friends thought it was more serious than I thought it was. So we reported it, and now I'll be a little self conscious for the rest of the week but school will be over soon and it'll all blow over.

AvyIsKing June 6th, 2023


i mean thats kinda funny to me-

but im also the same person who was just saying really inappropriate parodies of disney characters name

Iamspoons OP June 6th, 2023


It was *** hilarious

But other people might not be comfortable with it, and it helps the adults make consequences if the have all the info

AvyIsKing June 6th, 2023



Iamspoons OP June 7th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 LMAO

My mom made it so my phone locks after 8:30. Lol no more coping mechanisms or support system.

AvyIsKing June 7th, 2023


My phone locks at 10, unlocks at 9. Which sucks cause I'm up at like 8 every morning. Luckily I have a second Google account on my laptop that bypasses that and I can still be on cups.

Went to bed at 4:10, woke up at 4:45, went back to bed at 6, woke up at 9:30

My grandma's in surgery now I believe and I'm just being an anxious ***

SneakySnakeBoi June 8th, 2023

@Iamspoons @jefferythebunny319

so Avy already knows this but I’m gonna make a stupid decision and tell someone I like that I like them on Tuesday, it’s likely going to go poorly because ik they very likely don’t like me

Iamspoons OP June 8th, 2023


Very strategic to do it on Tuesday, the last day of school. I see only one flaw, do you have any regents with them?

Also I want to know everything. Do I know them, what's their gender and pronouns, can I see a picture of them?

AvyIsKing June 8th, 2023


why do i know more than spoons does >:0

there's a flaw to the plan lmao

t e l l loki

SneakySnakeBoi June 8th, 2023


i have 3 regents with them, also updated flaw, we’re both going to a track end of season party that night

SneakySnakeBoi June 8th, 2023


ummmmmm you’ve seen them before

SneakySnakeBoi June 8th, 2023


there cis guy, probably straight

Iamspoons OP June 8th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 @SneakySnakeBoi

I have been running on five hours of sleep, spite, adrenaline and nessecity, for the past week. I have consistently needed to sleep at least half an hour more to function, but if I did that I would be screwed because school decided to start at an ungodly hour of 7. Most jobs you hear about are 9-5 which means some adults wake up two hours after us teenagers, who are notoriously known for scientifically needing more sleep.

So this constant pressure to be functional on little sleep and ***, might be the reason I've been so slow at responding to people's messages. So sorry.

AvyIsKing June 8th, 2023


I had a massive 2 hours long anxiety attack because I had so much caffeine and I haven't slept since Saturday really.

I'm tired.

*I typed out we can sleep together before I realized how evil that sounds*

Iamspoons OP June 9th, 2023

There's a "sub" who is a literal student and she *** awful. Like I can't even. I know she doesn't have any *** credentials to be "teaching" a class. She keeps saying things like y'all so smart, can we expell them for being so smart. Can you go back to your *** class instead of trying to "teach" a class you probably failed. She's so *** bad and it's so *** loud. I'm sitting in the hallway now because I literally couldn't sit through this *** 11th graders power trip. I could do better than this. The real teacher is still in the room and I just couldn't sit in there without *** yelling at the "sub", so i just left. And now she's saying we're "special" in the most *** derogatory way possible and saying "it's ok I'm not a real teacher, I can say that"

@Jefferythebunny319 come save me plz

AvyIsKing June 9th, 2023


I can be there in like 5 hours

Iamspoons OP June 12th, 2023


I visited cousins yesterday and I am the second oldest ( by a couple of months) and there's a lot of 7 year olds, there were three born in 2016, so we had a water balloon fight. I got soaked, mostly by the oldest who kept targeting me ( I'm being salty in a joking way) and the hose, which I took control of after people started spraying each other. And my shoes got so wet they still aren't dry, so I had to wear combat boots to school today, and I had gym.

Also I beat C (oldest cousin) at a game that was supposed to be complicated and take a really long time, but it didn't take as long as he thought it would and I didn't use any of my newbie handicaps. And I *** won. Happy.

AvyIsKing June 12th, 2023


My friend is at the theater camp I'm supposed to be at and she made a friend named loki

Iamspoons OP June 13th, 2023


Well it's not me, I'm still in school. But it is my last official day, then I have two afternoons of regents and I'm done. Hooray!

DraytonWantsToHelp June 13th, 2023


Iamspoons OP June 13th, 2023

Yes? @DraytonWantsToHelp , did you want to ask/tell me something?

SneakySnakeBoi June 13th, 2023

@Iamspoons @jefferythebunny319

so I’m not gonna be on a ton rn, I’m stressed out of my mind with regents. Also I’m gonna tell him tomorrow and that’s scary af.

Iamspoons OP June 15th, 2023

Omg algebra regents in like an hour, I'ma fail. Not really but it sure feels like it. I had to write complete the square several times and I'm afraid I won't remember it anyway, it's ok tho I'ma try to bs my way through those questions if they show up.

@Jefferythebunny319 @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety

SneakySnakeBoi June 15th, 2023


good luck! My algebra 2 regents is next week, just finished my history one

AvyIsKing June 15th, 2023


Please explain to the non new Yorker non public schooler what the heck a regent is

I've gathered enough that it's a test and I found like 50 schedules

I have some like 24 hour flu n my mom took my phone, because I need to focus on my mental health and my phone is making me sick. Last I checked talking to prince never gave me a fever

SneakySnakeBoi June 15th, 2023


regents are just standardized tests that are our finals, and if we fail, it’s not good

AvyIsKing June 15th, 2023


oh that sounds evil

maybe if u just get held back a year we could be in the same gradeeeee

AvyIsKing June 15th, 2023


seriosuly tho, dont fail. ur gonna do amazing ik u are

Iamspoons OP June 15th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 wait that means we in the same grade. Regents are evil.

Iamspoons OP June 15th, 2023

Okay I'm done with that. I know I passed but like everybody wants me to aim for Mastery and I don't know if I have that, but that's okay cuz I'm pretty sure I did well.

@SneakySnakeBoi cool, I'm sure you did good on it.

AvyIsKing June 15th, 2023


we is the same grade yes

but u are cooler

Iamspoons OP June 15th, 2023


No we don't compare ourselves to other people. ( ╯ ೧ ) ╯ ︵ ┻ ━ ┻

SneakySnakeBoi June 15th, 2023


im totally gonna fail the chem and math ones

Iamspoons OP June 15th, 2023


Nuuuu you won't fall

SneakySnakeBoi June 15th, 2023


im probably going to honestly, I got a 45 on my chem review

AvyIsKing June 15th, 2023

@iamspoons @sneakysnakeboI

99% sure I'm leaving here tmr :/