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tealChestnut6477 September 15th, 2022

I've felt like an emotional mess. I'm tired of feeling lousy lost and shattered and having my feelings hurt unnecessarily. I've felt like I can't take anymore and sometimes nearly end up snapping.

innateJoy9602 September 16th, 2022



In my experience,

when I felt a bit emotional, grounding exercises have done wonders.

Of course, things are easier said then done.

Just know we are here for you!


tealChestnut6477 OP September 16th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 I appreciate the support and sometimes I'm so overwhelmed that I don't even think to do the grounding things along with meditating is usually hard for me

innateJoy9602 September 16th, 2022


I hear you.

Meditating can also be difficult for me sometimes.

Remember that this site has good mindful exercises too in the path menu <3💛

iamyam September 17th, 2022

Same tbh. Idk anything about your story but I can tell you it's the protagonists arc for growth!

I can't tell you it'll get better, but I can tell you something. You have control, it may not feel like it, but you do. You have control over your hobbies, who your friends are, and the boundaries that you set. Don't let anyone think you don't have that control, it's your life!

Best of wishes, you got this!

tealChestnut6477 OP September 17th, 2022

@iamyam it's just hard on me

Tinkerbell526 February 5th

I have felt the same way an it’s been really bad, I really don’t know what to do.

tealChestnut6477 OP February 5th

I'm sorry you've felt that way