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Long-term orientation and Visioning

User Profile: RainbowRosie
RainbowRosie February 26th

As part of the IDG course, i’ve especially enjoyed learning about ‘Long term orientation and visioning’. 

Having a long term vision can give you a sense of direction and purpose and I’m all for that 😀.     It can give you a roadmap for your future. Goals, milestones and objectives that you hope to achieve. 

I’d recently been thinking about my long term goals before enrolling on the course so was especially keen to find out more. Like a lot of us, I’ve only really had short term goals. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with that, it can be an opportunity to think long term and see what we can learn and improve in our life. I would like to share what I’ve learned and could perhaps apply to my life 😀

To do this I’ve learned we need to set some time to practice. Yes we need to train our brain to think long term 👀. Set some time aside to consider areas for thought; 

🌹 Work - is there something you’d like to achieve in this area? Change your job, develop in your current role, get a job, etc.

🌹 Relationships - ie. maybe you want to strengthen relationships you have with other people, develop new relationships, There’s also; 


🌹 Personal finances 


🌹 Anything else in your life that you’d like to change 

Mine are;

Personal finances. I’m definitely going to look at this and get a plan in action before I leave things too late 💰💰💰😀

Work - although I enjoy my job I would like to develop the role and so am giving thought how I can do this to achieve my goal.😀🌹 🌹 Ok, question time folks;

Please think of something you’d like to happen/change in your life? 🤔

Timescale; 5+ years, 10 years or even 20. Think of which area you’d like to look at.      

Please envisage how you’d like to see these changes. Write it down with details.

I’m sure we can all let our imagination runaway with us, but PLEASE REMEMBER  it has to be positive and realistic 😀.

Thank you 😀 

Now once you’ve thought of it, think how you are going to achieve this?

🌹Please feel free to share your answer…

Thank you 



For me, my long-term goal is to prepare for retirement. I have 7 years left to work before I can retire, so it's important for me to have a strong plan and be ready to live without my current salary. I am saving as much as I can right now so that I don't have to struggle with finances. 

1 reply
User Profile: RainbowRosie
RainbowRosie OP March 11th


Hi Midwestern. That’s a great plan to have especially as time really does seem to fly. I have wondered where the years have gone sometimes. I love your profile btw. Thanks for commenting, appreciated 🌹.

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