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Improving strengths (Compassion)

cuddlySunset2342 January 31st

Compassion, a powerful feeling of empathy towards those who are experiencing pain, both humans and animals alike, drives a yearning within us to offer assistance. Developing compassion can be achieved in numerous ways, and it is a quality that can be nurtured. One effective approach is by actively listening to others, acknowledging their struggles, and lending a helping hand when possible. Additionally, learning about different cultures and backgrounds allows us to better understand the challenges that others face and enables us to provide support in a more meaningful way. Another method to increase compassion is by engaging in acts of kindness, no matter how small, as even the simplest gestures can have a profound impact on someone's life. Ultimately, by cultivating compassion, we can contribute to a more compassionate society, where we uplift and empower one another.

Things to think about:

What is one way you can show someone compassion today?

Can you think of a time you have shown or have been shown compassion?

Hope February 2nd


I like the weaving in of compassion with active listening. It is a fitting context for our platform. 

The acts of kindness tip is a helpful way of cultivating compassion as not everyone is familiar with how we can work on this skill/trait. 

Rebekah February 9th


What is one way you can show someone compassion today? -- by listening to a member in need of support 🌞

Can you think of a time you have shown or have been shown compassion? -- many times! I'm thankful to have friends to rely on whenever I need support or a compassionate ear.

CJHere2Help March 12th


        One way I can show compassion today is by speaking to members on 7 Cups going through difficult times. One time I showed compassion which I'll always remember happened when I was around 16. There was a kid who was having a severe panic attack and I was able to talk to him and help him. I walked with him down to the guidance office where they gave us a room because he said that he only wanted to speak to me. That kid was the reason I found out about 7 Cups, and now here I am 7 years later.