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The Realtionship Of Self

User Profile: DivineButterfly
DivineButterfly May 10th, 2024

So what am I supposed to do in a world like this? I probably asked myself that question because I had no idea. And then I had the idea. What would life be like if I took everything for a moment? And made it completely disappear. So at that point I was only in a pure white void with only me, myself and I, and I was that. And the only thing ever came from that was to create a picture. Stuff that I appreciate, I value, I love about the world. Whatever about me. And I'd be alone. Yeah, I wouldn't be. As time would go on, I would create ideas of people and they would start to appear. My mom, my dad. The person I love, my children that all appear one by one. In that instance, I'd like to focus on self. 

The relationship to myself was a really long one, and it all started with learning who I was during the course of several personality tests that I took. This gave me an overall picture of who and what I was, and yet what I was still trying to figure out and learn and understand. And so while I still work on self, it's try to imagine a time where I was in that white void and I started picking apart everything about who and what I was and started coming to the idea about my values and the things that are really important to me. All starting simply with personality tests. Yes, we're talking and referring to And way more personality tests they have out there. It was the starting point for life long journey I would come to know as self discovery. Self discovery would eventually become that journey that I would be on for the rest of my life and learning and doing and being and figuring out all my biases and everything about who and what I am. And that is the relationship to the self and that is what it is talking about. The I DGs in this current moment. And so my question for you is... 

 What kind of things do you find about yourself that you do to help you figure out who and what you are without feeling like you do not have any purpose nor value?  

User Profile: Hope
Hope May 14th, 2024


Thank you for sharing about your journey and what worked for you. 

I too started with personality tests but found that reading self help books helped me more in figuring out what to do with the my strengths and weaknesses. As for purpose, I am religious so that is where I drive my purpose from. 

The journey of self discovery is life long!

User Profile: delicateMonkey
delicateMonkey May 17th, 2024


Personality tests were a big part of my self discovery as well! While most are very general and can apply to most people, every now and then there was one to hit close to home and assist me in my journey of the self! Currently, I derive a lot of who I am by the different roles I occupy - student, sister, Christian, etc.