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Creativity is one of the most needed characteristics in any area of your life. Be it in the school/college, workplace, in the house etc. There are many different ways people show their creativity. 

So what is creativity. It is the ability to make use of new ideas and turn them into reality.

I usually am a creative person. Personally, I like to crochet many things- it has become my hobby recently. I have also found joy in journaling .


There are many areas a person can be creative at. It can be one area or more than one. For example, one might like paint and create art whereas the other might find pleasure to write stories or even books.

Thus, we are all unique in our own ways. 

Creativity is a skill that can be learned. You can learn to be creative by experimenting, exploring, questioning assumptions, using imagination and synthesizing information. Learning to be creative is akin to learning a sport. It requires practice to develop the right muscles and a supportive environment in which to flourish. 

Some quotes on creativity 

“A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a *** of a lot more interesting life” – Elizabeth Gilbert

“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.” – Pablo Picasso

"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought." – Albert Einstein

“Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while working." – Henri Matisse



Love this reflection and the quotes on creativity, thanks for sharing!🥰

What (and how) do you usually like to journal?

Ooh and crochet is amazing, something I've been wanting to try since ages, but haven't started yet (': any tips on how to begin? 

Admirablerainbow2825 OP August 4th

I like to journal my thoughts. If I have any negative thoughts , I write it down and come up with possible solutions to fight against them.

I learned to crochet by watching YouTube videos. So I guess you can do that as well. Some things I have crocheted are bracelets, small pouches, and a phone bag.

Hope this helps.