New onboarding for translation project?
Are translators still being onboarded? If yes, where can I apply for the project?
Hi there, yes, they can be onboarded! Let me know which language you want to work on, it must be a language you are proficient in - you can leave me a personal message with the info.
Thank you for answering my question! I tried to pm you but you are not an ATL so I couldn't. So I am giving the info here.
I am really new to this and do not know much about using Poedit translator. But I want to contribute to the translating project, so I will learn how operate the app. I am proficient in Bengali and Hindi.
@NightingaleListens ah apologies for the tech issue! All admins support both age groups - you can now PM me! That way I won't lose this thread and will be able to check the availability of these projects and help guide you on how to contribute. Thank you