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What do you LOVE to do?

AuraLight May 22nd, 2015

This is a question that is always forgotten when you are under a great deal of stress, mentally, physically and emotionally. You forget about the things you love to do. So with that being said take this time and write down something's you really love to do or wish you could do.

The Law of Attraction is Real,so lets speak some positivity into Existence! :)

(Example below)

My name is Aura and What I love to do is write songs, listen to music and help people.


Ashert January 8th, 2021

I love to sleep!

Like seriously, you might think I'm joking, but I honestly consider it to be the most relaxing and inviting thing to do :)

decembernight0608 May 22nd, 2015

My name is Kole and what I love to do is play guitar, write songs, listen to music, watch movies and hang out with my friends.

SmallishLion May 22nd, 2015

My name is Leon, and I love to paint, write poetry, and (try to!) playpiano.

Pickle68 May 22nd, 2015

Long distance cycling.

emotionalPond2336 May 23rd, 2015

what do i love to do?? i love to stay in my most favorite place in the world...our house. in this place i can be who i am, i feel the love of my family, and there is peace in this place. i love to cook, watch television, read books, and play with my nephew. i love to water the plants in our garden, and feed our pets. i love to spend time with my love ones. :-)

May 23rd, 2015

My name is Lex and I love to draw manga, play guitar and sing, and run. Gotta love that runner's high!

VanessaD92 May 25th, 2015

Nothing better than a runner's high! I AGREE!

abecks May 24th, 2015

I'm Alex and I love to sail. Floating out on the lake is so peaceful :)

EmberLion May 25th, 2015

My name is Al and I love to read, watch Harry Potter movie marathons, watch How I Met Your Mother, draw, help people :), and I love to run (track team represent!)

MiddleMarie January 4th, 2021

@EmberLion reading, and watching Harry Potter is my fave thing to do too

Ivoryrose8311 May 25th, 2015

I love to drink tea cold or hot. I love to read and draw. I love to swim and meditate when I'm stressed. I love seeing friends who actually care and shopping usually.

Noffy May 25th, 2015

My name is Noffy. I love drawing, singing, swimming and reading a good book/good articles on websites. And of corse, I love giving people hugs especially when they needed one!

VanessaD92 May 25th, 2015

Aura, what a beautiful question. In today's hectic life, we forget about all the things we love. I love to exercise! I make time for it every day. As an official counsellor in training, the most intensive part of the program so far is practicing self-care. This has forced me to do the things I love the most every day. This involves running, yoga, paddle boarding, laughing, playing with my dogs, and more! Thanks for the question!

Mike511 May 25th, 2015

I like exercising, listening to music, and wathcing movies.

Upbeat May 25th, 2015

Im kash, i like singing, watching movies and series, helping people, hangout, partying, enjoying nature, midnight walks, reading, shopping, watching starry night and hugging :)

silentblue2310 May 25th, 2015

Playing volleyball... and Im sad that now that Im at college I don't play it anymore... i tried to be a part of the college team but I felt like the other girls were putting me aside and so I decided to quit... Im sad that I don't play it as often but I couldn't be in a place where I didn't feel happy doing what I love the most... so... yeah

affectionateDime175 May 25th, 2015

This is such an awesome thread! There is a lot that I love, but singing is probably the thing I love most of all. Writing and reading are also very high on the list!

imaginativeDrum June 8th, 2015

Everything here. Almost reading your name as mine was another pretty little bonus. Yay, ego.

Add to that.. Uh. Making, feeling, laughing, realising, learning, meeting and getting along with new peeps, being able to adequately describe things, the taste of water after dancing hard. The smell of something baked, cooked, molded entirely by hand. A nose clearing, the stars showing, cars blinking on an abandoned street at night. Crickets finally stop chirping, tower stops clicking, typewriter sounds downloaded, gasping at one internet talent or another, characters and quotes that hit you where it hurts and some really, really, nice, hot soup.

JaneDoodleBug June 8th, 2015

I love to swim and kayak/row, being in an around water is so relaxing for me, providing theres not many other people there. I love playing with my dog and having cuddles with him (not sure how much he likes the cuddling tho, but he puts up with it 😅) I love to sing and dance around my bedroom in the evening. I love to watch the stars and talk to the moon. I love late night thunder storms and the sound of heavy rain. The smell of the air after lightning. And reading quotes that really make you think about things in a different way, that make you smile or trigger a nice memory. I love to run with my dog in the woods and jump over fallen trees and dodge branches. I love this thread for making me think of all the things I really like, I dont think I've ever thought to just list them all off, so thank you so much! ☺

MiddleMarie January 4th, 2021

@JaneDoodleBug I like heavy rain and thunder especially when I'm inside

beautifulmystry June 10th, 2015

my name is Tiffany and I love to cook and bake. just like I wrote in another post I want to cooks me bake for the homeless :)

Riaden January 4th, 2021


My name is Riaden and I love Astronomy and music

Riaden January 4th, 2021


My name is Riaden and I love Astronomy and music

Monocerosh January 4th, 2021

I like listening to music and watching america's next top model lol

sia1325 January 4th, 2021

My name is Sia and I love to watch movies and listen to music!

sallysalad1233 January 4th, 2021

@AuraLight My name is Sally and I love to bake!

ambitiousVase1322 January 4th, 2021

@sallysalad1233 I love to talk on the phone

sallysalad1233 January 5th, 2021

@ambitiousVase1322 yay that is great!

MiddleMarie January 4th, 2021

My name is Zoe, middle name Marie hence my name on here. I like seeing and cuddling my mum's big black Labrador. Watching new series on Netflix. Listening to my ipod. Going to bingo with my mum.

Aulyacu January 4th, 2021

@AuraLight My name is Aulya and What I love to do is write rhymes, listen to music, help people, play guitar, draw and try new things.

SynSavory January 4th, 2021


My name is Syn and what I love to do is draw, doodle, write, listen to music, and volunteer to help others.

ambitiousVase1322 January 4th, 2021


I love talking on the phone or doing FaceTime calls

SynSavory January 7th, 2021


I like Facetime and Zoom calls too. They make me initially nervous but when I get used to people I'm okay afterward.

Akunin11 January 4th, 2021

My name is Gadi and what I love to do is play guitar, hike in quiet and beautiful places and playing with my nephews :)

sallysalad1233 January 6th, 2021

@Akunin11 That is great! I've always wanted to learn the guitar

Pixiechu January 4th, 2021

I love being creative, drawing, crochet, photography to name a few of my passions.
I also love being out in nature and watching the seasons change.
Both help me to relax and keep my mind occupied 😊

MelanieDaniels63 January 5th, 2021

Listen to music, try different recipes, sleep etc...

brightShip19 January 5th, 2021

i love to watch those social experiments where they would compliment strangers by saying something like "you're beautiful" and see how they reactlaugh

Goldcherry2113 January 5th, 2021

I love so many things but one thing I really like to do is go for a walk in nature.

unassumingSpruce9514 January 5th, 2021

Play guitar write songs listen to music and play overwatch with my gf