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Getting in touch with your "inner child"

PestoPasta8973 January 1st, 2023

Hey, folks. When I was a youngster (about twenty years ago now), I used to play the guitar, trumpet, piano, and drums to escape the *** which was my teenage years. As I grew older, I became more interested in honing in on my social skills and career. The more I delve into this, the more I feel I'm losing my sense of self. I recently decided to take up the cello and, much to my relief, the stress all began to melt away as soon as I started to learn the instrument and make music—much like it did when I was younger. It will take a while before I reach any sort of performing level, but I'm hoping to pursue it more aggressively now in case I ever want a career change or a semi-pro hobby.

What hobbies have you used (or could use) to get back in touch with your inner child?

toughTiger6481 January 2nd, 2023

that is great you have found a relief valve / hobby to help you ....... that may be an idea to look back and see if something can help me when i am stressed ......

SleepyShyCat January 2nd, 2023


That's great that you're getting back in touch with your 'inner child', and learning the cello sounds fun! I hope it brings you peace, relaxation and joy 😊 I consider getting back into playing the piano, I used to everyday through my teens but in the last few years I've lost interest due to poor health. One day I hope to pick it back up 🎼

SparklyFly January 2nd, 2023

@PestoPasta8973 Wow, thanks for sharing what you did in your post. I was forced to play the piano because that is what nice girls did. I hated it. I don't remember any of the things that I used to be interested in. However, with your thread, I'm going to think about them.

JigsawYouth January 3rd, 2023

@PestoPasta8973 I like going to playgrounds lol, i like painting my face as well, you can get face paint for pretty cheap at wallgreens or something