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From the Heart

User Profile: memyselfandmoth
memyselfandmoth February 23rd, 2023

[trigger warning: anatomical heart image linked]

Hi all. I am still new here but thought I would share regarding art as therapy and encourage others with a post. I have been in a very hard place recently but was able to do some drawing and was glad that I could find a way to express how my heart’s been feeling. I thought I might post it here and also encourage others if they feel so inclined to respond with a drawing or other artistic way of showing where their heart’s at… whether it be a literal heart or more figurative. If not, then thanks for reading anyway and wishing you the best

User Profile: memyselfandmoth
memyselfandmoth OP February 28th, 2023

Hi! Just replying to my own thread here— as this didn’t gain traction I’ll leave my image out for now unless anybody specifically wants to see it. Anybody is still welcome to share! If this thread would be beneficial to be removed instead that is also fine. Thanks!

1 reply
User Profile: affectionateOcean6327
affectionateOcean6327 December 28th, 2023

@memyselfandmoth I would be interested to see the heart if you're still open to sharing it. :)

Unfortunately I am too sick right now to post my own heart bc of an antibiotic reaction but might try to post something here when I can to contribute.

I read your bio and you seem like a really cool person, I'm super into admiring art and escape through creativity too

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