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SleepyShyCat's Cat Corner! 🐈

SleepyShyCat August 22nd, 2022

Hello all!

This is my formal request for you to send me all the cat photos please 🥺😺💛

They're my favourite animal and special interest - please send me any fun facts you know or share stories of your own cat or even better... Send me cute photos!

Any kind of cat content I will love 💛😺💛

I will give you cookies for every cat related reply you send, promise 🍪🍪🍪

And if you would like, ask me for a random cat fact! I know so many and would be so happy to share 😁😁

Cats make me so happy, I can't even describe what it makes me feel, but they're my favourite, of everything.



SleepyShyCat OP October 3rd, 2022


Those pictures definitely made me laugh.. The cats fur in the wind looks so silly 😆

JaneSustenListens September 30th, 2022

I can do that!!

SleepyShyCat OP October 3rd, 2022



EmbStitcher33 October 8th, 2022

_1665216332.CAT - helping with puzzle.jpg

Not a picture I took, but I thought you guys would get a kick out of it...

SleepyShyCat OP October 8th, 2022


Aww.. Hard at work completing (or destroying) a puzzle, the lighting makes it look really dramatic lol 🐈🧩

emotionalTalker2260 October 9th, 2022


Peeking in to check on my favourite cat (:

SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022


Why did cups never notify me of this 😢 hoping you're okay 🦕🍪


SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022

Here's some sleepy cats to brighten your day, from me, sleepy cat 🐈😴


mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat So many sleepy floofs 😊

SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022


The sleepiest 😴

I love your new pfp! I haven't seen that yet, such a cute little cape 🥺

mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Thank you! :) Had to dress for Halloween lol!

SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022


Cutest Halloween outfit I've seen so far 😮🧛

mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Thank you! :) I like your pfp too ❤️ we're both ready for Halloween :)

SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022


Aw thanks 💖 got to be dressed appropriately for all the spooky things coming next week in HZ 😮👻🧙🏻‍♀️🕸️

mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Absolutely! 🕷🎃

CoffeeAddict1313 October 18th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat_1666124828.20F90CC9-C78A-4D88-9FB3-4FD1D68B85BF.jpegmy cat Binx. She’s adorable and you can’t convince me otherwise

SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022


Can't convince me otherwise either, she is beautiful and very very adorable 🥺 thanks for sharing, I love seeing people's cats! Did you know in certain lights, some black cats have a very faint tabby pattern markings, it's really cool, and that if black cats spend enough time sunbathing, eventually their fur will start to 'rust' and go a little bit red/brown! 😮🐈‍⬛

mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2022

@CoffeeAddict1313 She's beautiful! Lovely golden eyes!

Cam5942 October 18th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat haha

SleepyShyCat OP October 18th, 2022


Glad you enjoyed 😸🍪

EmbStitcher33 October 19th, 2022

_1666190005.00 funny cat.jpg

SleepyShyCat OP October 19th, 2022


Why hello there lazy cat, that's an interesting way to sit lol 😸

gbrenna October 19th, 2022


Here's a sleepy cat for you!_1666206623.DSCN1905a.jpg

SleepyShyCat OP October 19th, 2022


Such a big yawn! Cat yawns are the cutest. That sleepy cat is definitely in need of a nap 😮😴😸

hiraxx October 19th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat I wish I had a cat of my own to send pictures of to you however till then, here's one from the internet!


SleepyShyCat OP October 19th, 2022


Aww those little kittens are adorable 🥺🥺 thanks for sharing them with me, cats are just the cutest 😸

charmingHemlock1141 October 20th, 2022

I absolutely love cats too and love your picture. I have 4 rescue cats from ages 17 to age 1. Sadly, mine aren’t very cuddly and tend to be very nervous around people. Descendants of ferals. I love them very much. ❤️❤️

SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


Rescue cats are the best, I'd love to have four cats if I could 😸 and with time and care they can be socialised more but with rescues it definitely takes time. They deserve all the love and attention

UDT October 20th, 2022


Hello! You're already starting to feel like my kinda girl/guy with all this love for cats!

I wouldn't say i have my own house cat but i do have cats who regularly visits me basically owning my home.

Here's her picture being adorable from last night.

Now I'm looking forward to my cookie from a new cat loving friend :p

Hope you're doing well.

Good day!!

SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


Oh my goodness, look at her beautiful markings 🥺🥺 that cat is gorgeous, you are very lucky! I have two ginger cats that visit my home a lot, because they're friends with my black and white cat 🐈‍⬛🐈

I take the role of cat loving person very seriously here, there's got to be some place for all the cat lovers to share their love so I made this 😸 I adore cats so so much

And usually I'd attach a cute gif or photo of cats and cookie but currently there's a glitch on the website and it doesn't allow me to do so.. So I hope these are acceptable instead 🐈🍪🍪🍪🐈

Thanks for sharing with me, I really loved the photo

UDT October 20th, 2022


I appreciate your contribution sir/ma'am

We are all glad you're committed to this role and surely have very nice perks for serving this duty.

I am delighted to offer you more pictures as a medal of Honor for your continued dedication and passion here.


Oh yeah you get ginger cat for talking about ginger cat

Sun kissed!


Okay i accept your emoji kitties and cookies but only if you promise a continued supply of all of this.


Lol, see ya around


SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


The role certainly does come with some very nice perks, I get to oversee so many adorable cats 😸

*humbly accepts cat photos medal of honour* 😌🐈

Thank you for more cuteness! Sun-kissed cats are just the best, and they sure do love sunbathing 🌞

🤚I, SleepyShyCat, hereby do solemnly promise a continuous supply of cookies and cats to all those who come here 😸


SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022

Given the recent events in UK politics, I thought I'd bring attention to, quite possibly, the best part of the UK government - the cats!

There has been a resident cat in the government employed as a 'mouser' and pet since the 16th century.

Here are the current cats employed:

Larry - the first cat to be given the official title of Chief Mouser by the British government in 2011 (all cats previously held unofficial titles). Learn more about Larry here.

Gladstone - a British cat who is the resident chief mouser to HM Treasury in Whitehall, London. (More here).


Palmerston - is the resident Chief Mouser of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) at Whitehall in London. (More here)


Attlee - the commons speaker's new cat


Patrick - also the commons speaker's cat


Which government cat is your favourite? Maybe we could nominate one for the new position that just opened up...

BojackBukowski October 20th, 2022


SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


Awww 🥺🥺 so round and fluffy and adorable, orange cats are just the best 🐈 is this your cat?

🍪 < a cookie for you

BojackBukowski October 20th, 2022

he is my sisters cat, his name is hugh and he a bery bery good and polite boy

SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


Hugh looks like the most polite boy there is, your sister is very lucky 😸

buffporcupine October 20th, 2022


Hello!! I’m Sage and I am here with a cat pic.


Thank you for your time.

SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


OK. You win. This is the best thing I have seen. Look at their face!!!


buffporcupine October 20th, 2022


Thank you very much. That was actually my first post so I was glad someone liked it.