Who collects trading cards?
I been collecting trading cards for many years. I have over 1000+ wrestling trading cards from WWE, TNA, WCW, WWF days. It's a hobby of mine. If you collect Trading cards, what do you collect?
@reliableSpruce8826 oh that is so cool, I bet your collection looks super impressive! I used to collect them as a kid. I think I had some Pokemon and wrestling cards, don't know where they went though.
I'm glad you have such cool hobby, keep collecting! :D
@BlueDarkAurora that's awesome though. I have one that's autographed by Ric Flair but yeah I love collecting tbh
I used to collect pokemon cards, still have my old ones, I'll still pick some up here and there, and I recently downloaded their tcg pocket app, its pretty fun, its more focused on collecting the cards but you can also play a simplified version of the card game and build decks with your cards.
I also used to collect yugioh and magic but not so much anymore.
More recent cards have been one piece and union arena.
@SmollOne yeah I have that mobile game (I just collect mostly and not do the battles) even though I haven't watched Pokémon in many many years..and I also have oke of the Topps trading card apps for Star Wars and that's it for digital collecting cards.
Nice, the pokemon app is the only one I have. if I have apps that I can spend too much time on its not great for my mental health cuz I'll stay on my phone too much.
I haven't watched the newest pokemon, the concierge thing on netflix was really cute though
@reliableSpruce8826 POKEMONNNNN
@reliableSpruce8826 I have 12,000 or so MTG cards, Magic. Also I have maybe 2,000 old Star wars cards from 1994 that might be worth something, idk. And I have a few dozen unique poker card decks.